Download iCN’s Latest Edition Now!

Lovelia Caracut
International Coaching News
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2 min readFeb 13, 2023

International Coaching News (iCN) online magazine is proud to announce the release of our 40th edition with the theme Relationship Coaching inspired by coaches to guide coachees to explore personal insight, handling relationships with oneself & to others, generate new solutions and/or overcome inner and outer obstacles.

This is rich in content on a variety of related topics such as personal relationships, business relationships, conflict management & resolutions, tips & techniques used by seasoned coaches, to enhance their coaching careers.

Look out for the article ‘Personal Relationships: A Mirror To Who We Truly Are Within’ by Barbara Mutedzi from Indonesia. Barbara delves into the impact of our environment and relationships of our thoughts and beliefs, and emphasizes the potential for personal growth and positive contributions to loved ones through these connections. Another noteworthy article ‘Getting Married is Easy, Staying Married is Hard’ by Glen Oliveiro from Singapore. In this article, relationship coaches explore the challenges that can arise in a marriage and provide guidance on how to effectively navigate and address them. ‘Top 4 Myths About Relationship Goal Setting That You Should Know’ by Preeti Khare from India. As the title implies, Preeti debunks common misconceptions about setting goals in relationships and provides insight into how to effectively set and achieve them.

Each of our columnists, too numerous to mention individually, offer a range of fascinating viewpoints, and I would encourage a thorough read-through of this edition.

As with all of our previous editions, this one not only offers an engaging read, but it also provides practical personal development insights and professional growth strategies to enhance your business and uplift your quality of life.

To download, please register on the website and click MAGAZINE. You will be prompted to fill up your information then it will directly take you to the download page.

I hope you find this issue enjoyable, and please don’t hesitate to let us know if there are any specific topics you’d like us to cover in the future.

