iCN Themes and Guidelines 2019

Lovelia Caracut
International Coaching News
6 min readFeb 15, 2019


A more formal definition of career coaching from the International Federation of Coaching (ICF) states that a career coach partners with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximise your personal and professional potential. Coaches honour you as the expert in your life and work and believe you are creative, resourceful and whole. Standing on this foundation, the coach’s responsibility is to:

  • Discover, clarify, and align with what you want to achieve
  • Encourage self-discovery
  • Elicit solutions and strategies
  • Hold you responsible and accountable

In this edition, we will be looking for unique perspectives on, but not limited to:

  • Career Development: Steps in Achieving Career Goals
  • Improving Profile & Resume Writing: How to Stand Out and Get Spotted by Recruiters
  • Interview Preparations: What are the Strategies to Prepare Your Interview?
  • Career Transitions: How to Be Ready for a Career Change?
  • Career Coaching Tools & Models
  • How to Approach Retirement

Article Deadline: February 2019

*Official launch: May 2019


There has been quite a big surge in the popularity of life coaching both in the professional world and in people’s personal lives as well. A simple reason for this is the mere fact that as humans we tend to get stuck in certain places in our lives, whether it is due to comfort, fear, ignorance or something else. We all tend to need a push and some guidance to get us moving and heading in the right direction again, and this is exactly what life coaching does.

Identifying your goals is one of the hardest things you do when you’re trying to make a change and get started on something new. A life coach is great at helping you interpret your dreams and ideas, and organize them into tangible goals. In a way, they help you to connect what your head is saying and what your heart is saying to find some agreement between the two that points toward your passions.

In this edition, we will be looking for unique perspectives on, but not limited to:

  • Setting & Achieving Goals and Objectives
  • Taking More Effective & Focused Actions
  • Creating More Time & Energy
  • Fulfilling Personal and Emotional Needs
  • Identifying Core Values and Passions
  • Making an Important Life Transition
  • Making Key Decisions and Designing Strategies for Success
  • Communicating Powerfully and Succinctly
  • Getting Organized
  • A Good Understanding of Yourself and Your Feelings

Article Deadline: May 2019

*Official launch: August 2019


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is extremely popular in the self-help, therapy, sports, education, coaching, performance and corporate worlds where it is learned through NLP coaching. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is used to enhance performance, to help an individual control their emotional state and to stay focussed on what they want from life. It incorporates specific Neuro-Linguistic Programming strategies and techniques designed to produce specific outcomes.

In this issue, we would like to invite perspectives, insights and articles on:

  • How does NLP add Significant Value to Coaching?
  • Effective Tools & Techniques Producing Results Using NLP
  • The Evolution of NLP
  • NLP and coaching models
  • How to Use NLP to Change Your Life
  • Enhancing Performance with the Aid of NLP
  • Controlling Emotional State & Focus with NLP

Article Deadline: August 2019

*Official launch: November 2019


Corporate Coaching is the newest method of employee training, and it has gained a lot of traction in the business world. Although it is being widely implemented, most people do not understand what corporate coaching is and what it is not.

In this issue, we would like to invite perspectives, insights, and articles on:

  • What is Corporate Coaching?
  • Training and multi-dimensional approach you need to tackle the most pressing challenges that companies face today — particularly during tough economic times.
  • Coaching tools and ethics applicable to the business environment
  • Using Corporate Coaching work with leaders, managers and team members within an organisation
  • Dealing with change management, team conflict, departmental goal setting, individual goal setting, work-life balance, and individual career development

Article Deadline: November 2019

*Official launch: February 2020

*NOTE: Official Launch dates are tentative and may change, we will be informing you through email for any changes.


  • Avoid infomercials (subtle or not so subtle advertising or product promotion
  • All articles should be sent in Word format
  • Please ensure that you provide full references for any research findings mentioned in the article.
  • Please send your bio with your submitted article. Bios should be a maximum of 100 words and provide a brief summary of your practice, qualifications & publications. Do include links of your website and social media pages.
  • Please include a high-resolution colour head & a shoulder photograph of yourself.
  • With your article, please send us any drawings, tables, charts, photographs to illustrate your article. (Note: copyright permission must be obtained)


  • WE ONLY ACCEPT ORIGINAL ARTICLES. All articles must be original and not published elsewhere. This is to avoid search engine penalties for duplicate content. After a period of 30 days, authors may repost articles elsewhere as long as we are informed in advance. Repost must be tagged with the original link & source.
  • TITLE — should be short & snappy, 7–9 words maximum
  • IMAGES — You can attach a featured image for your article. You must have the right to use the image with your article, and therefore we ask that you credit the image to the original source.
  • ACCURACY — You as the author are responsible for the content you’ve submitted, any facts, dates, etc. should be correct and you should also spell check your article before submitting it. Although you as the author are responsible for the article you sent us, we have the final say on headlines, illustrations & placement of articles.
  • We hold that article contributions to International Coaching News (iCN) belong to the contributors. By seeking publication in iCN you give permission to us to publish the article in different formats as required. You are free to seek publication elsewhere once the article has been published in iCN.
  • Contributors must honour our primary publication date and don’t seek simultaneous publication.
  • Contributors must cite iCN in any further publication of your article.
  • We receive many submissions than we can publish, and we often have to say no to good proposals due to limitations of space and time or because they’re not distinct enough from other pieces we have published. If we’ve passed on something you’ve submitted, please feel free to try again with another idea. If we have said no multiple times, it may mean your work isn’t a good fit for our audience.
  • Articles not published in a particular issue may be kept on file for future consideration.
  • PLAGIARISM The act of using or citing someone else’s work without permission or credit/attribution is plagiarism. Whether the information was obtained from a newspaper article, book, or an Internet site, the following details must be provided: the author’s name, publication name, date of publication. This is an added benefit, providing such details allows readers to go directly to the source if they need more information.
  • REVIEW PROCESS. The review process will take three weeks or more upon receipt of the article. Once the review process is complete, Contributors will be notified if their article has been selected for publication by email.
  • Author Compensation — iCN does not pay contributors.


  1. Articles should be a minimum of 300 words, maximum of 1500 words/ a maximum of 2 A4 size pages in Georgia font size 11 with single line spacing.
  2. Articles must be written in UK English.
  3. Articles should be submitted in MS Word format.
  4. Font Style: Georgia
  5. Font Size: 11
  6. Paragraph Style: Justified
  7. Title of Article:
  • Font Style: Georgia (bold)
  • Font Size:12
  • Centralised

We also accept articles written in other languages (Romanian, Polish, Turkish, Hungarian, Bulgarian & Spanish)

Please browse previous issues of the magazine online to get an idea of the variety of content & style.

