International House

Samantha Schneider
International Journalism Project
3 min readApr 14, 2015

The International house was founded in 2012 by the Center for International Learning. Over 500 residents have living in the international house. The students living there are from a number of different countries but the I-House is also home to American students.

“I try as much as I can for a 50/50 split so that international students really do get the American experience and Americans are getting the international experience that we advertise as well,” Dr. Dylan Rust, Director of Global Student Life said.

Since the international house is a home to a number of students from different countries that fluctuate each semester. The I-House has had up to 25 different countries being represented within a semester. All these individuals live in the international house for various reasons.

According to the CIE over 22 primary languages have been spoken in the I-House.

“I often try to place American students who are studying a specific language with an international student who is a speaker of that language. That is really beneficial to the American student who is studying and wants to improve on that,” Rust said.

In order for students either American or international to live in the I- house they must fill out the application.

“Every student American or international fills out an application to get into the international house and my staff and I look at the applications and gage who gets in,” said Rust.

There is no fee for the application only the set cost for rent. The international house is located in Campus Heights Apartments. The rent ranges from $5,184-$5,408 for the academic school year.

Dr. Dylan Rust mentioned that a number of on campus groups are primarily for freshman however the international community makes it clear to students that they cater to the needs of student whether they are freshman or upper class.

The International Pavilion will open in August of 2015 and the building will be over 9,000 square feet. The Center for international education strives to put on events for the students living in the I-house. The CIE has been saving up for a few years in order to build an international pavilion, which will be home to the events that the international house puts on.

“That’s (The international pavilion) being funded by the department, so it’s not out of the universities construction budget like they do with other buildings. The center for International education even before they hired me to come on they had been saving up some money to be able to construct a building,” said Rust.

In 2014 NAU’s International House became one of the seventeen international houses to become a member of International Houses Worldwide.

The IHWW Website states that all I houses should provide the people living there with the opportunity to live and learn in a diverse environment. Through their experiences, conversation and friendship cultural gaps should be mended on behalf of both parties. Therefore the students should acquire intercultural skills that help them enhance their future.

“From the American standpoint it’s important to be able to get that outside perspective of different students from different nations, so that American students can be better equip when they go into the work force,” said Rust.

