Language Learning Center Helps Exchange Students Overcome Language Barriers

Kayla Mayes
International Journalism Project
2 min readMar 29, 2015

Speaking a different language can be a great way to connect with other individuals. The Language Learning Center at the Babbitt Annex makes it easier for exchange students learning English and other foreign languages.

Learning English can be a struggle like any language someone might be unfamiliar with. Take Sarah Ruddy for example. Sarah is an exchange student from Spain and has had to develop better English to build on what she already learned and knew.

“Coming from another country, I didn’t know a lot of English. I had to learn quite a bit to be able to learn at the University level here at NAU,” said Sarah.

Sarah meets with others to better learn English and even to pick up other languages. The Language Learning Center on campus has open computer lab access times where students can meet in the Babbitt Annex to practice their foreign languages.

The Language Learning Center open computer lab has quite a few students who attend weekly to the open access times Monday thru Thursday from 4pm — 8pm and Fridays from 11:30am — 2pm. The center has helped students overcome some language barriers and has helped students connect with others going through the same struggles.

Along with the struggles language barriers may bring upon exchange students, the schooling system has some differences at the University level also. After studying at NAU for almost a year, exchange student from France Marina Vilar, shares her thoughts on differences in the education between France and the US.

“A main difference I have noticed since being here at NAU is the difference in tuition,” said Marina. “It is a lot more expensive here than it is back home for me. Also the size of campuses are really different. NAU’s campus is much larger than the one I go to back home. It’s nice and convenient that there is a place I can go to here to practice my language and English though.”

Marina actively attends the open computer lab times during the week with many other students on campus. With the differences at the University level, Marina has found a happy medium at the Language Learning Center. While still practicing French, she is now also learning more English and even some Spanish.

Though there may be differences in the education systems, one thing that has remained consistent for these exchange students, among others, is the access they have to the Language Learning Center on campus at NAU. The center can be contacted at 928–523–3427.

