Study Abroad

Samantha Schneider
International Journalism Project
3 min readMar 24, 2015

The U Curve Hypothesis states that there are multiple stages in individual’s experiences abroad, the honeymoon, crisis, recovery and adjustment. The honeymoon stage is the state of infatuation with the country or place one is being immersed in. The crisis stage can be related to the differences the student experiences and once the individual realizes how to conquer their problems they enter the recovery and adjustment stage where they can readjust their view or mindset of the situation.

Many Americans overlook studying abroad without realizing that through their experience they can acquire cross-cultural communication skills. NAU’s Center for International Education prepares students for abroad by helping them develop the skills they need to become global citizens.NAU’s Center for International Education strives to prepare students for a world that is interconnected and global.

“When they see a different part of the world and they’re forced to navigate a different country, a different language, and a different culture. I think that allows students to grow through that challenge,” said Deschamps.

“When you start coming back up on the right side of the U it is because you have started to integrate some of those differences into your new life,” said Vice Provost for International Education Dr. Harvey Charles.

The crisis can be related to the differenced the student experiences and once the individual realize how to conquer their problems they are able to readjust.

“You are actually becoming a different person and this is why study abroad is so important because you can not help but to be influenced by the differences around you,” said Charles.

According to Association for International Educators students that study abroad or are involved in exchange programs tend to be far better prepared for the 21st century.

“I feel that globalization is becoming more prominent and communication is easier than ever with technology and people are opening up to that,” said Assistant to the Vice Provost Emma Holmes.

Through studying abroad students are able to discover new aspects of themselves. This discovery allows them to integrate with individuals from different nations and thus discover new information and technology. Being provides students with a new perspective on different cultures.

“Being abroad means that you are in a different cultural space. The cues that order what constitutes the familiar are very different,” said Charles.

The programs that NAU offers have integrated internationalization into their curriculum. This gives an advantage to the students attending NAU, there is a lot of diversity on campus that can help make the transition abroad easier.

“ A curriculum that is structured to prepare students to be globally competent is one that helps students to understand both the subject of study and the discipline itself from a global perspective,” said Holmes.

NAU’s curriculum and the Center for International Education make it possible for students to immerse themselves in countries all over the world. NAU has developed a number of short-term programs for students to go overseas for roughly 3 weeks. However there are other programs offered such as a semester abroad, international internships and research, and international student exchange.

“Students must recognize that an immersion experience facilitates a certain kind of learning that is not possible with the short term program. I believe that it’s the longer exposure that tends to be more transformative than just a short quick dip if you will,” said Charles.

The Global Learning Initiative strives to ensure that students develop global perspectives, using the academic disciplines as the principal site for this work, but using the Liberal Studies Program and the co-curriculum in strategic ways to support this process.

The goal is to prepare students before graduation and help them become a worldlier individual. NAU offers a wide range of places to travel and a variety of different programs. Studying abroad is also affordable and a number of scholarships are offered to help any student that wants to participate.

