The ICC and Duterte’s Anti-Drug War

Atty. Catherine S. Pariño
International Law Matters
3 min readNov 26, 2023


Illustrated by Kiwi

The International Criminal Court (ICC) stands as a beacon of hope for global justice, tasked with addressing and prosecuting those responsible for grave crimes. One such high-profile case revolves around the alleged human rights violations during the drug war led by former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. This article delves into the ICC’s jurisdiction over the Philippines, the accusations against Duterte, and the intricate web of challenges and responses surrounding this crucial international examination.

ICC Jurisdiction:

As a permanent international court, the ICC operates on the principle of complementarity, intervening when national legal systems prove unable

or unwilling to prosecute. The Philippines, having ratified the Rome Statute in 2011, is a State Party to the ICC, placing it under the court's jurisdiction.

Allegations Against Duterte:

Duterte's controversial drug war, launched in 2016, has faced intense scrutiny for alleged extrajudicial killings, human rights abuses, and a lack of due process. Activists claim Duterte bears direct responsibility for a significant number of deaths without proper legal proceedings.

ICC Preliminary Examination:



Atty. Catherine S. Pariño
International Law Matters

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