#Snapshots August

Here a few updates about how your support helped people around the world in August.


We’re Responding to Hurricane Dorian

Hurricane Dorian slammed into the northwest Bahamas as a Category 5 hurricane.

In response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, International Medical Corps has deployed an emergency response team, consisting of doctors, nurses, logisticians, health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS) specialists, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) specialists.

The Fight Against Ebola in the DRC Continues

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) entered the second year of its deadly Ebola outbreak, which, with almost 2,100 deaths, is the second-deadliest in history. International Medical Corps has been in the DRC since the start of the outbreak — and will be until the virus is contained.

Our team is on the ground fighting the spread of this deadly disease by providing medical care, building and supporting screening and referral units, and training health staff.

It was an honor to have Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, visit our team in Mangina, where our Ebola Treatment Center — a proud partner in the clinical trial to find a cure — has helped treat more than 350 confirmed patients and so far healed more than 160.

A Safe Motherhood for All

Safe motherhood is a universal human right. That’s why, in August, we highlighted our incredible teams in the field who are working to provide a safer and healthier future for moms and babies everywhere.

There was great news from our maternal health team in Jordan, where they delivered the 5000th safe birth at our maternity ward in Azraq Refugee Camp! Meet the landmark baby, Ariam, and her mom, Diala!

In August, we also celebrated World Breastfeeding Week and highlighted the importance of breastfeeding as a healthy start to a baby’s life.

Fighting Malnutrition in South Sudan

Malnutrition in South Sudan remains critical, as a poor harvest and delayed rain season has made food less accessible than ever. Our teams are providing lifesaving nutrition programs in hard-to-reach areas across the nation — working to ensure that those in need receive the help they deserve.


Working with local partners KUN Humanity and YKMI, we’ve provided 137 new housing units for those displaced by the earthquake and tsunami that struck Indonesia last September. We’re also working to bring clean water to many of the villages affected.

Celebrating Humanitarians Worldwide

On August 19, World Humanitarian Day, we joined the United Nations in honoring women humanitarians across the world, thanking them for their unwavering commitment to their communities and for their inspiring efforts to create a better future for us all.

Training Saves Lives

Since early May, Yemen has reported thousands of cases of cholera. Our teams are fighting back against this life-threatening disease by providing clean water, sanitation centers and emergency treatment in the country’s most affected areas. We’re also providing communities with hygiene kits and educating children on healthy hygiene habits, to help prevent this deadly disease.

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International Med. Corps
International Medical Corps #Snapshots

International Medical Corps relieves the suffering of those impacted by conflict, natural disaster and disease by delivering medical relief and training.