3 Weeks Beginners Guide to Ace Data Science Interview: #Day 1

Vinay Vikram
Published in
5 min readJan 24, 2020

About the Series

Data Science field is an exciting career choice and seeing a lot of hiring across fresh, lateral and experienced job positions. It’s one thing to know the concepts and totally another to crack the rigorous interviews for data science positions. If a candidate is aware of the different questions and the interview process, he is on the right path to an excellent career in the evolving Data Science field.

This 3-week beginners guide to Ace Data Science Interview will be a useful asset for individuals who are preparing for the Data Science interviews. Every day for the next 21 days, we will talk about the different areas of the Data Science field and cover them elaborately. So sit back and start reading the article to get a finer understanding of the Data Science field and go prepared for the interviews.

What is Data Science?

Data Science is a broad field encompassing some of the fastest-growing subjects in interdisciplinary statistics, mathematics and computer science. It encompasses a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making”.

Data Science has multiple facets and approaches, including diverse techniques under a variety of names, in different business, science, and social science domains.

Will you please Elaborate?

A data scientist is the adult version of the kid who can’t stop asking “Why?”.

They’re the kind of person who goes into an ice cream shop and gets five different scoops on their cone because they really need to know what each one tastes like.

To me, a data scientist is someone who does the following tasks:

  • Data cleaning
  • Data analysis
  • Modeling/statistics
  • Engineering/prototyping

In simple terms, data scientists are the people who make sense out of all this huge data and figure out just what can be done with it.

There is a saying called:

Data Scientist is the“sexiest job title of the 21st century”

Which reflects the real martian Theory of “ Theory of Everything

Why is it such an in-demand position these days?

The short answer indirectly is the massive digital footprints of Humans.


Over the 1 last decade, there’s been a massive growth in both the data generated and retained by companies, as well as data generated by you and me.

Sometimes we call this as “big data,” we’d like to build something with it. Data scientists are the person who makes out a logical sense of all this data and figures what can be done with it.

Annual Data Production

(Source: IDC DataAge 2025 whitepaper)

Question: How Much Data Do We Create Every Day? Any Guesses…

Here are 4 things that should make you realize data science is the career of the opportunities (in accordance with https://link.springer.com)

1. Companies Struggle to Manage Their Data

Businesses have opportunities to collect data from customers regarding transactions, website interactions and more. But, according to the 2018 Data Security Confidence Index from Gemalto, 65 percent of the businesses polled said they couldn’t analyze or categorize all the data they had stored. Plus, 89 percent knew that if they could analyze information properly, they’d have a competitive edge.

As a data scientist, you can help companies make progress with the data they gather, making it pay off for them both quickly and over time.

2. High Likelihood of Career Advancement Opportunities

LinkedIn recently picked data scientist as its most promising career of 2019. One of the reasons it got the top spot was that the average salary for people in the role is $130,000. LinkedIn’s study also looked at the likelihood that people could get promotions as data scientists and gave a career advancement score of nine out of 10.

3. Data Scientists Have In-Demand Skills

Research shows 94 percent of data science graduates have gotten jobs in the field since 2011. One of the indicators that data science careers are well-suited for the future is the dramatic increase in data science job posts. Statistics from Indeed.com show a steady increase in the number of data science jobs listed over the years.

4. Data Science Is Still Evolving

Careers without growth potential stay stagnant, usually indicating that jobs within those respective fields must drastically change to remain relevant. Data science appears to have abundant opportunities to evolve over the next decade or so. Since it shows no signs of slowing down, that’s good news for people wanting to enter the field.

Data Science is an exciting field in all sense with recruitment and salary notching up exciting growth. As per the Glassdoor data of January 2020,


This 21 day series of Data Science interview guide will help Data Science enthusiasts carve their own niche in the field. We will be going through the different aspects of learning and we will be sharing the industry trending knowledge important for a lucrative data science career.

Check what’s in Day2

Final Thoughts and Closing Comments

There are some vital points many people fail to understand while they pursue their Data Science or AI journey. If you are one of them and looking for a way to counterbalance these cons, check out the certification programs provided by INSAID on their website. If you liked this story, I recommend you to go with the Global Certificate in Data Science & AI because this one will cover your foundations, machine learning algorithms, and deep neural networks (basic to advance).

If this blog helped you in any way, then do Follow and Clap👏, because your encouragement catalyzes inspiration and helps to create more cool stuff like this.


  1. https://elu.nl/why-data-science-is-the-career-of-the-future/
  2. https://link.springer.com/bookseries/13852



Vinay Vikram

Artificial Intelligence Researcher at @MOTHERSON | Check My Data Science Portfolio: https://vikramvinay.github.io/