How To Solve Homelessness in America

International Worker’s Press
3 min readSep 24, 2016

*This essay is being published on the behalf of its writers, Comrades Dustin and Oscar*


In this essay we will be discussing the history of the homeless problem in America and will be presenting the question of how to solve the ever deepening crisis.

The problem of homelessness facing the American proletariat.

The history of the homeless problem facing the proletariat throughout history is the purest form of bourgeois greed which we have come to expect from wall st. greed. due to the bankers complete lack of deny. (which is not a surprise).

To begin we must first examine the problem and then present the question on how to fix the problem the bourgeoisie have created.

It started out as a national issue in the 1870s, up into the great depression of the 1930s there were 2 million homeless people migrating across America along with Mass hunger and the dust bowl out west. The number of homeless Americans grew to a tremendous extent in the 1980s. After many years of revisions president Ronald Reagan signed the McKinney-vento homelessness act into law in 1984. This is the only piece of federal legislation to allocate government funding to the direct service of homeless people. In the US, more than 3.5 million people experience homelessness each year or .5% of the population. 35% of which are families with children, this is the largest growing group in the homeless population. And more than 23% of the homeless population in the US are veterans. Although in the US the homeless veteran population has decreased it has not been as significant a drop that we socialists would like to see.

In 2006 there were 195,000 homeless veterans.

In 2009 there was a drop to 74,050 which was a great drop but not a drop to the basis of production we had at the time. Although unbelievable at the time because production went up.

In 2014 there was 49,933 homeless veterans a more significant drop but still does not explain why we have not ended homelessness in america of the current conditions of the proletariat.

What Is To Be Done.

What is to be done knowing the living conditions of the American working class?

What is to be done with the american people acknowledging the problems at hand?

What is to be done in the system which is our reality at the present time?

What is to be done knowing the material conditions of the American proletariat?

What is to be done acknowledging the greed and recklessness of wall st. Which has destroyed the lives of millions of working class Americans?

The homeless problem in America is a universally accepted crisis thus presentation of the question is crucial. Should we continue on the road to reform with small changes, new political figures, new debates on the same issue and virtually no effect on the homeless problem facing the american working class? Or a new road to victory on a new front with the homeless problem and end homelessness one and for all and continue a bright path path towards a socialist society?

The reformist ideal is a private solution an ideal that a reform in the market will help the homeless. And the same capitalists making reforms have acknowledgment that greed is a good ideal to have in a productive society. Which makes any reform with those ideals invalid because the basis of reforms on a private market will cut profits from the greedy bourgeois and stockholders.

The Solution.

The solution is clear and is extremely viable in the system which we Americans live in today. The first step would be a tax on capital gains to be the same as income tax, second we would raise income tax for those who make over one million million dollars per year to 85% and for those who make over 10 million at a 95% tax rate and we would cap it off with anyone who makes over one hundred million dollars per year would have to pay a 98%. The capital gains tax alone would allocate more than enough money to cover the costs of the seizure of all vacant housing and the raising of income tax would cover the building of 1 million permanent homes. The seized property will be used as housing for low income individuals and families. Although the low income standards would be drastically improved under our economy to include individuals making 150,000$ and below. Ex retail market office buildings and corporate headquarters, etc. will be seized by the state and turned into cooperative businesses ranging from grocery stores to car factories.

