We launched intern.camp!

Sérgio Santos
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2017

Our new platform for short-term internships is live 🍾

The platform unveiling at the launch party.

Last week, on May 22, we organised a small party at Nest for the launch of intern.camp. It was just a small friendly gathering, but we wanted to mark the date for posterity.

Six companies joined the platform at the start: Whitesmith, Feedzai, Mimicry Games, 10.digital, Ubiwhere and, of course, Nest Collective (our thanks to all). Together they have 8 internships available and student applications are already coming in.

The 6 initial companies and what you can learn from them.

Starting a new product like this also comes with its challenges and constraints. We want to validate there’s a real need behind intern.camp. So we decided to start only with companies from Coimbra (our home city) because we can reach most university students here. And we focused on tech companies because we know them better. But if all goes well with the first internships and there’s demand, we want to expand into other cities and markets.

And since this is a part-time project for us, we asked jeKnowledge to help us move the project forward. As the organiser of .works, they know the world of internships well. And has university students themselves and give us their perspective as university students themselves.

In conclusion

If you are student, check out our current internships available: https://intern.camp

If you work at a company, read why you should why provide short-term internships and join the platform: https://intern.camp/for_companies



Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco, a product studio.