Has technology made us smarter?

Internet and Society Fall 2017
2 min readSep 26, 2017

There are numerous opinions regarding whether technology has made us smarter. The more our bodies use technology, the faster our neuroplasticity must change and mold to the new information constantly coming our way.

“Research shows that our intuition is wrong. We can focus. But our sense that we can’t may not be a phantom. Paying attention requires not just ability but desire. Technology may snuff out our desire to focus.”

I certainly agree that out attention span has berce much shorter compare to few years back when Facebook was still fairly new. Priorities have changed and the generation today has grown in technological innovation. However, now kids today fail to see the importance in bonding choosing to resort to social media for interaction rather than a discussion in person.

There is much concern on whether the Internet is giving us ADHD. According to a article in the Washington Post, 1 in 10 children have it and an estimated 44 percent of adults have it sans hyperactivity. The Internet is good in that it provides instant gratification and a variety of entertainment and information options. If you get bored you can just as easily switch to something else to amuse you. According to the article, ADHD is a common comorbidity meaning those who use the Internet excessively are likely to have symptoms of ADHD. ADHD rates over the last ten years have increased from 7.8 percent to 11 percent between 2003 and 20011.

It is important to increase awareness and undertajdngt in the benefits smd side effects of what technology is doing to us. Once we do that we can be able to resolve the problem and make informed choices about our behavioral patterns and actions.

Link to the article below:




Internet and Society Fall 2017

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