Is technology to blame for social isolation?

Internet and Society Fall 2017
2 min readOct 10, 2017

Carrals’s articles serves to denote the notion that technology is to blame for social isolation. He argues that many seek to romanticize the past because of how quickly society is progressing and due to the fact that the smartphone is so ‘ubiquitous’, it is expected that it would be partly blamed for the way society had changed. He argues that smartphones are a new medium of communication and we should hit be faulted in how we choose to interact with others in the way we want to.

Technology isn’t bad. You’re just upset with yourselves for having a lack of self-control. You hate that people connect through technology. And maybe, you just don’t like seeing people love themselves, enjoy life, and feel joy. That’s your problem, not technology’s.

I agree wholeheartedly with this quote. Technology isn’t bad at all. In fact, it has created new pathways to innovations and creations nobody could have foreseen. Many lovers of the past express bad sentiments about technology simply due to the fact that people cannot prioritize themselves. Numerous kids prioritize Snapchat over doing their homework. Technology is not to blame for that, only themselves for their lack of self control. Technology has provided new ways to interact and bind with people, people you be never met. It has connected old friends and family and has ignited love and past relationships. Technology is not to blame for natural human behaviors. Humans do not like to interact with those on the trains simply because they don’t like strangers. That is not technology’s fault and it is high time we stop scapegoating it.



Internet and Society Fall 2017

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