Based on the unethical usage of targeted advertising, what is a proper way of going forth to resolve this situation? Should Facebook be penalized or the advertisers?

Internet and Society Fall 2017
2 min readOct 5, 2017

Hello Eli Parisier. I welcome you to our class. My name is Khadij Tandja and I am an African female attending Bard High School Early College Queens. One of my primary goals in life is to major in chemistry and be a world renowned surgeon.

According to Eli Parisier, “This is drawing a new level of public awareness to how targeted advertising can be used to manipulate and affect politics and political conversation in ways that didn’t used to be feasible at all or easy,”.

Advertising has been known to speak to the public and address their wants and needs. But ads also have underlying propaganda at time, in which they can be used to support a certain standpoint. Nowadays in technolog, ads are being used to target those with certain sentiments. When liking a racist post on Facebook, there is a higher chance of you seeing posts like that the very next day. This tool was specifically created by Facebook, although now there is much controversy due to the fact that the tool is working, hiwber it is being utilized in an unethical manner. There is much debate on how to solve this issue. Should certain words be blocked out to limit the amount of racist ads? Should the tool in general be taken down? No matter the approach in how we resolve this problem, we must keep in mind that it doesn’t matter if the tool is taken down. Technology is progressing in numerous ways faster than before, and we must remember that problems come when innovation evolves. So, is technology truly benefiting us?



Internet and Society Fall 2017

Never surrender💯❤️Be somebody💕💪🏾African queen🇨🇩🇨🇬🇸🇳🇬🇳 jusqu'à ce que le jour où je meurs, je ne cesserai jamais de vivre