What should Facebook and Google do?

Jeremy Torres
Internet and Society Fall 2017
2 min readOct 9, 2017

Hello Eli Pariser. I am looking forward to meeting you in my Internet and Society class on Tuesday. My name is Jeremy Torres and I attend Bard High School Early College. I am 15 years old and even though neither of these studies relate to each other, I hope to work in either the law field or something involving meteorology once I get out of college. The reason I chose to take Internet and Society is because I wanted to learn how the internet was changing our society for the better of for the worst. The things I have learned in the class and because of your articles have really changed the way I think about the internet.

While I was reading a article named Google and Facebook Face Criticism
for Ads Targeting Racist Sentiments I started to think about why
Facebook and Google were allowing people to post racist and
anti-Semitic ads but then I realized it is all about the money. These
companies are sacrificing the preservation of public decency in order
to make money. And they are making a lot of money, billions of dollars
in fact! What effect do you think this issue of hate speech is having on the
reputations of Facebook and Google? Do you believe that Google and Facebook can find a way to regulate their ads and make money at the same time? Do you think there is any chance that the big technology companies
will work together to stop the spread of hate and bigotry?

