Your Smartphone Fingerprint

Everyone has a unique way of setting up the apps on the screen of your smartphone. Some people just keep the generic form that is given to you when you first purchase the smartphone but many tend to switch up the arrangement of the apps. By putting your messenger app next to your weather app shows a distinct pattern that probably not that many people have. Many people may still have the same apps but the way an individual arranges their apps create a certain unique pattern just like a fingerprint.

Jubayeth Mian
Reactions to “The App Generation”


Katie Davis says, “The apps arrayed on a person’s smartphone or tablet represent a fingerprint of sorts” (6) Everything we download on to our phones become apart of our identity, on the phone. If one were to download a sports app then it shows that they have at least some interest in sports. Everyones digital fingerprint is completely different from one and the other.

Another way to show the difference in everyones digital fingerprint is by the app the person uses to express themselves. Many people love posting on twitter while others love posting on Facebook. Then there are people that do not like posting on neither Facebook or Twitter but love to use instagram to post pictures on a daily basis. Each app that the person downloads and uses shows the persons digital fingerprint.

Unlike your actual fingerprint, you can switch your digital fingerprint whenever you want. If you do not like an app on your phone you can always delete it and download something else. You can also change your identity whenever you want. This may cause both a positive and negative affect.

