Program or be Programmed

Daniel Hristodorov
Internet and Society
1 min readMar 26, 2015

I decided to open my book response with this video because it really encapsulates the main idea of the book, through some very powerful minds and prominent people.

In Program or be Programmed by Douglas Rushkoff immediately starts to preach the necessity of programming in our modern society. However he also tells us to be weary and gives us 10 ‘commands’ to follow. In his first chapter he commands us to not be always on. What he means by this is that we cannot “mix” time in the digital sense of the world and real time. He warns us to not get too caught up in our computer and points out that there is nothing stopping us from disconnecting for a while.

Summed into a couple of sentences, Mr. Rushkoff says we need to learn to disconnect ourselves from time and value the timelessness and abilty to not alwasy be connected to technology in order to avoid living life in a completely digital reality. Life is lived physically, not always digitally.

