How To Advertise Digital Products On Pinterest

Udemezue John
Internet Billionaires
7 min readMar 18, 2024


Pinterest is a goldmine for showcasing digital goodies. In this guide, I’ll dive into the wonderful world of Pinterest advertising and equip you with the knowledge to craft campaigns that drive sales and brand awareness for your digital products.

Pinterest is a unique platform that blends the visual appeal of social media with the search functionality of a search engine.

This makes it perfect for reaching people who are actively looking for solutions to their problems, which is exactly what your digital product offers!

By creating captivating pins and strategically using keywords, you can attract a targeted audience who are primed to discover what you have to offer.

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Why Should I Advertise Digital Products On Pinterest?

Look, I get it. You’ve got this fantastic digital product — an eBook, a course, some killer templates — and you’re wondering where to shout about it from the rooftops (or at least get it in front of the right eyeballs).

Facebook? Maybe. Instagram? Sure. But have you considered Pinterest?

Here’s the thing: Pinterest isn’t just about collecting recipes and DIY home decor inspiration (although, hey, those are pretty cool too).

It’s a treasure trove for people actively searching for solutions and wanting to improve their lives.

That’s where your digital product comes in — as the hero to their everyday struggles!

So, why should you advertise your digital goodies on Pinterest? Let me break down the juicy bits:

1. A Visual Playground.

People on Pinterest are suckers for captivating visuals. If your product solves a problem or unlocks a creative skill, you can showcase it in stunning pins.

Think infographic teasers for your ebook, eye-catching mockups of your templates, or short video snippets from your course.

Pinterest is a giant mood board, and you want your product to be the most drool-worthy item on it.

2. Target the Right Crowd.

Pinterest advertising lets you get laser-focused with targeting. You can drill down on demographics, interests, and even keywords related to your product.

Imagine showing your calligraphy course to people searching for “modern brush lettering” or your marketing templates to those pinning about “social media strategy.” Talk about reaching your ideal customer!

3. Pins with Staying Power.

Unlike fleeting Facebook posts or disappearing Instagram stories, Pins have serious longevity.

They can get repinned and resurface in searches for months (even years) to come.

This means one fantastic Pin can keep driving traffic to your product page for a long time — hello, passive marketing magic!

4. Shoppable Pins are Your Friend.

Forget clunky links in your Pin descriptions. Pinterest’s shoppable Pins let you embed product details and prices directly.

So, when someone sees your amazing course preview Pin, they can click and buy it instantly. Seamless!

5. Building Brand Awareness.

Even if someone doesn’t buy your product right away, seeing your Pins consistently can plant a seed.

They’ll start associating your brand with solving their specific problem. When they’re finally ready to take action, you’ll be the first name that pops into their mind.

6. It’s a Budget-Friendly Option.

Compared to some other advertising platforms, Pinterest ads can be surprisingly affordable.

You set your daily or campaign budget, and you can track your results closely to see what’s working and what’s not.

So, you’re not throwing money into a social media void — you’re making strategic investments.

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How do I Advertise Digital Products On Pinterest?

Alright, you’ve poured your heart and soul into creating an amazing digital product — an ebook, a course, and some killer templates — and now it’s time to get it out there.

You know Pinterest is a visual paradise, but can it be a goldmine for digital downloads?

Absolutely! Buckle up, because I’m here to show you how to turn Pinterest into your secret weapon for advertising (and selling) those digital goodies.

1. Turning Heads (and Clicks): Design Magic.

First things first: Pinterest is all about aesthetics. People come here to discover beautiful things, and that includes the products they buy. So, you gotta make your pins pop! Here’s the recipe for a pin that screams “click me”:

  • High-Quality Images: This is non-negotiable. Blurry photos or clip art just won’t cut it. Use clear, professional-looking images that are relevant to your product.
  • Bold Text Overlays: Don’t be shy! Tell people exactly what your product is and what benefit it offers. Use easy-to-read fonts and strong colours to grab attention.
  • Intrigue with Benefits: Don’t just showcase the product, highlight the transformation it provides. Is your ebook the key to baking like a pro? Then show a mouthwatering cake in the pin!

2. Keyword Magic: Speak Their Language.

Pinterest is like a giant search engine for inspiration. To get your pins seen, you gotta speak the lingo. Here’s the lowdown on keyword magic:

  • Keyword Research: Brainstorm terms people might use to find your product. Think about the problems your product solves and the benefits it offers. Then, use Pinterest’s search bar to see what suggestions pop up — that’s gold!
  • Sprinkle it Everywhere: Weave those keywords into your pin descriptions, board titles, and even the filenames of your images. This helps Pinterest understand what your pin is about and show it to the right people.

3. Boards with Bite: Organize for Success.

Think of your boards as themed rooms in your Pinterest house. Each board should focus on a specific topic related to your product. Here’s how to make your boards shine:

  • Create Compelling Boards: Don’t just have a random board titled “My Stuff.” Make it descriptive and relevant, like “Master Your Budget” for a finance course, or “DIY Home Design Inspiration” for home improvement templates.
  • Pin Variety is Key: Don’t just pin your product. Include other content that complements it and showcases your expertise. This builds trust and establishes you as a thought leader.
  • Organize with Purpose: Group similar pins within boards to make navigation easier. This keeps users engaged and helps them discover more of what you offer.

4. The Call to Action: From Pin to Purchase.

Don’t leave people hanging! Every pin needs a clear call to action (CTA) telling them what to do next. Here are some CTAs that work:

  • “Download Now!” for ebooks and templates.
  • “Enroll Today!” for courses and workshops.
  • “Learn More!” to pique interest and lead them to your website.

5. Promote Like a Pro.

Pinterest offers paid advertising options that can seriously boost your reach. But even organically, there are ways to get ahead:

  • Pin Consistently: The more you pin, the more likely you are to be seen. Aim for a regular schedule to keep your content fresh.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, answer questions, and join relevant conversations. Show people you’re there and build relationships.
  • Collaborate with Others: Partner with influencers or complementary businesses to cross-promote each other’s products. This exposes you to a wider audience.

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By following these tips, you can transform Pinterest from a browsing wonderland into a powerful sales channel for your digital products.

Remember, it’s about creating beautiful, informative content that speaks directly to your target audience’s needs. So get creative, have fun, and watch those sales soar!



Udemezue John
Internet Billionaires

Software Dev | Blogger | Digital Marketing. I Post about building an online business. 👉👉 How To Make Money Online