How To Create Canva Templates To Sell Online as Digital Products

Udemezue John
Internet Billionaires
5 min readMar 22, 2024
Photo by Mario Gogh on Unsplash


Well, with the rise of the digital marketplace, creating and selling Canva templates has become a popular way for creatives like me to do just that!

Canva templates are pre-designed layouts that can be easily customized with your text, images, and branding.

They’re a huge time-saver for busy entrepreneurs, social media managers, and anyone who needs to create professional-looking graphics quickly and easily.

In this blog post, I’m going to walk you through the process of creating Canva templates that you can sell online as digital products.

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Why Should I Create Canva Templates To Sell Online as Digital Products?

Fellow creative! Have you ever scrolled through endless design apps, wishing there was a way to make your templates for others to use? Well, guess what?

There is! And it’s not just some far-fetched dream — Canva, the amazing design platform we all know and love, allows you to create stunning templates and sell them as digital products. Now, you might be wondering, “Why Canva templates?

Why not just stick to freelancing or traditional design work?” Here’s the thing: Canva templates offer a whole new world of possibilities, and here’s why I think you should jump on board:

1. Become a Passive Income Powerhouse.

Imagine this: You put in the creative effort to design a killer social media post template.

Then, you upload it for sale. Now, every single time someone buys that template, you earn money — without having to do any further work! That’s the beauty of passive income.

You create once, and your templates keep selling, bringing in cash flow while you sleep (or design more templates, if you’re a creative machine!).

2. Share Your Design Magic with the World.

Do you love creating presentations that wow or social media graphics that pop?

With Canva templates, you can share your design expertise with others who might not have the time or skills to create them themselves.

It’s like giving them a little piece of your design magic, and they’ll love you for it (and maybe even leave you a glowing review!).

3. Scale Up Your Business Without Breaking a Sweat.

Unlike traditional design work, where you trade your time for money (and there are only so many hours in a day!), selling Canva templates allows you to scale your business effortlessly.

Once you’ve created a template, you can sell it to countless people without any extra effort on your end. This means you can potentially reach a much wider audience and grow your income exponentially.

4. It’s Easier Than You Think (Seriously).

The best part? You don’t need to be a graphic design guru to create amazing Canva templates.

Canva’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to drag, drop, and design.

Plus, there are tons of free resources available, from fonts and icons to stock photos.

So, even if you’re a design newbie, you can still create high-quality templates that people will love.

5. Endless Creative Freedom.

Canva templates aren’t limited to just social media graphics. You can create presentations, website banners, e-books, planners, and anything else your creative mind can dream up.

This means you can cater to a wide range of audiences and tap into different markets, keeping things fresh and exciting.

So, are you ready to turn your design skills into digital gold? Canva templates offer a fantastic way to generate passive income, share your creativity, and build a scalable business.

Why not give it a try? You might just be surprised at how much fun (and profit!) it can bring.

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How do I Create Canva Templates To Sell Online as Digital Products?

Here’s the thing, creating and selling Canva templates is surprisingly accessible. You don’t need to be a graphic design guru, but a little know-how goes a long way.

So, buckle up, and let’s dive into how you can transform your design skills into a sweet side income.

Step 1: Brainstorming Like a Boss.

Before we dive into Canva, let’s think strategically. What kind of templates are people buying?

]Are you drawn to social media posts, presentations, or maybe stylish infographics? Pick a niche you’re passionate about (and good at!), because it’ll show in your designs.

Pro Tip: Head over to Etsy or other online marketplaces to see what’s popular and what kind of designs resonate with you. There’s nothing wrong with a little inspiration, as long as you make it your own!

Step 2: Canva Superstar.

Alright, now that you have a template idea brewing, it’s Canva time! If you’re new to the platform, don’t worry, it’s super user-friendly. Here’s where the magic happens:

  • Design Magic: Play around with Canva’s layouts, fonts, and graphics. Canva has a treasure trove of free elements, and a Pro account unlocks even more goodies (think premium photos and fonts). But remember, even with a free account, you can create stunning designs.
  • Keep it Editable: The beauty of selling Canva templates is that people can customize them to their liking. So, use elements that can be easily swapped out, like photos and text boxes.
  • Cohesive is Key: Maintain a consistent visual style throughout your template. This creates a professional look and makes it easier for people to understand how the elements work together.

Step 3: Sharing the Template Love.

Once your template is polished and ready for the world, here comes the fun part — sharing it! But there’s a catch: you can’t just download the design and sell it as a PDF.

Here’s why: Canva wants people to use their platform, so they have specific rules for selling templates.

The key is to share your design as a Canva template link. This allows buyers to access the template in Canva and edit it themselves.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click the “Share” button in Canva.
  2. Select “Share link to use as template” (look for the little crown icon — that means it’s a Pro feature, but there’s a free trial you can use).
  3. Copy the link — this is your golden ticket!

Step 4: Sell, Sell, Sell!

Now you have a stunning template and a shareable link. Time to find your audience! Here are a few places to sell your digital goods:

  • Etsy: A popular marketplace for handmade and digital products.
  • Creative Market: A platform specifically for designers to sell templates and other creative assets.
  • Your Website: If you’re feeling ambitious, set up your online store and sell directly to customers.

Hey There!

Tired of empty promises and endless hustles? learn how to you exactly how to turn your skills and passions into your first $1,000 online. Stop dreaming, start earning.

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Don’t underestimate the power of social media! Showcase your templates on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to attract potential buyers.

There’s always a learning curve, but with a dash of creativity, some design know-how, and these handy tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful Canva template seller.

So, fire up Canva, unleash your inner designer, and get ready to turn your passion into profit!



Udemezue John
Internet Billionaires

Software Dev | Blogger | Digital Marketing. I Post about building an online business. 👉👉 How To Make Money Online