How To Register On Amazon KDP as a Nigerian

Udemezue John
Internet Billionaires
9 min readOct 29, 2023


Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is an online platform that enables authors to self-publish and distribute their books to millions of readers worldwide.

As a Nigerian author, you can use this platform to publish your work and reach a global audience. However, before you can start publishing on Amazon KDP, you need to register for an account.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of registering for an Amazon KDP account as a Nigerian author.

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What is Amazon KDP?

Amazon KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing, which is Amazon’s self-publishing platform for authors to publish their books as e-books and paperbacks.

It allows authors to upload their manuscripts and cover designs easily, set their prices, and earn royalties on the sales of their books.

With KDP, authors have control over the publishing process, including the ability to make updates and changes to their books as needed.

Amazon KDP has made it easier than ever for authors to reach a wide audience and potentially become successful independent publishers.

It has also made it easier for readers to discover new authors and books that might not have been available through traditional publishing channels.

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Why Should I Join Amazon KDP as a Nigerian?

Publishing on Amazon Kindle has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more authors choosing to self-publish their books on the platform.

If you’re considering publishing your work on Kindle, here are some reasons why it could be a great choice for you.

1. Wide audience reach.

With millions of readers around the world, Amazon Kindle provides a huge audience reach for your book.

This means that your work can potentially reach readers in different countries, expanding your reach and increasing your chances of success.

2. Easy-to-use platform.

Amazon Kindle offers a user-friendly platform for self-publishing, making it easy for authors to get their work published.

The platform guides you through the process of uploading your book, formatting it correctly, and setting the price. Once your book is published, readers can purchase it directly from Amazon.

3. High royalties.

Amazon Kindle offers high royalties to authors, with rates of up to 70% for books priced between $2.99 and $9.99.

This means that you can earn a significant amount of money from your book sales, especially if you have a large following or a popular niche.

4. Control over your work.

When you publish on Amazon Kindle, you retain complete control over your work.

You can set your price, choose the cover design, and make changes to your book at any time.

This level of control is important for many authors who want to maintain creative control over their work.

5. Quick publication process.

Compared to traditional publishing, publishing on Amazon Kindle is a quick and efficient process.

Once you have finished your book and uploaded it to the platform, it can be published within 24 to 48 hours.

This means that you can get your work out to readers quickly, without having to wait for a lengthy publishing process.

6. Access to marketing tools.

Amazon Kindle offers a range of marketing tools that can help you promote your book and reach more readers.

These tools include advertising options, book promotion services, and access to Amazon’s recommendation algorithms.

With these tools, you can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.

7. No need for physical inventory.

Unlike traditional publishing, publishing on Amazon Kindle doesn’t require you to produce physical copies of your book.

This means that you don’t have to worry about printing costs, storage space, or shipping logistics.

Instead, your book is available for readers to download instantly, which is more convenient for them and more cost-effective for you.

8. Reader engagement.

Amazon Kindle offers a unique opportunity for authors to engage with their readers through reviews, comments, and feedback.

This feedback can help you improve your writing and better understand your readers’ preferences.

Additionally, Amazon’s recommendation algorithms can help connect your book to readers who are likely to enjoy it, which can lead to increased engagement and sales.

9. Increased credibility.

Publishing on Amazon Kindle can also help increase your credibility as an author. With a published book available on a popular platform, you can demonstrate your writing skills and build a following of loyal readers.

This can help you establish yourself as an authority in your niche, which can lead to other opportunities such as speaking engagements or collaborations with other authors.

10. Flexibility.

Lastly, publishing on Amazon Kindle offers a level of flexibility that traditional publishing does not.

You can choose to publish as many or as few books as you like, on your schedule and terms.

This allows you to focus on writing what you are passionate about, without having to adhere to the constraints of traditional publishing contracts.

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How do I Create an Amazon KDP Account In Nigeria?

If you’re a Nigerian author or publisher looking to self-publish your book, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a great option.

Amazon KDP allows you to publish your book and reach a global audience, all while retaining control over your work and earning royalties on every sale.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to register on Amazon KDP as a Nigerian:

1. Create an Amazon account.

If you don’t already have an Amazon account, go to and click on “Sign in” in the top right corner. Follow the prompts to create a new account.

2. Go to the KDP website.

Once you have an Amazon account, go to the KDP website at

3. Sign in to KDP.

Click on “Sign in” in the top right corner of the KDP homepage. Enter your Amazon account login details and click on “Sign in”.

4. Enter your personal information.

Once you have signed in, you will be prompted to enter your personal information, including your name, address, and tax identification number.

5. Complete your account setup.

After entering your personal information, you will need to complete your account setup by providing your bank account information for payment.

You can choose to receive payments via electronic fund transfer (EFT) or check.

6. Set up your bookshelf.

Once your account setup is complete, you can start uploading your books to KDP.

Go to your KDP bookshelf and click on “Create a New Title” to start the publishing process.

7. Follow the prompts.

KDP will guide you through the publishing process, including entering your book’s title and description, uploading your manuscript and cover, and setting your pricing and royalty options.

8. Upload your book cover.

You’ll need to upload a high-quality book cover that meets Amazon’s guidelines.

I wrote a comprehensive guide on how to create an amazing book cover, Check out the link to the article below to learn more.

9. Set your price and publish.

Finally, set the price for your book and publish it on Amazon KDP. You can also choose to enrol your book in the KDP Select program, which gives you access to promotional tools and higher royalties.

Hey there, dear reader! We hope you’re enjoying the content on our blog. Did you know we have a treasure trove of other insightful articles waiting for you?

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By following these steps, you can easily register on Amazon KDP as a Nigerian and start self-publishing your books.

Keep in mind that it may take up to 24 hours for your book to appear on Amazon after publishing, so be patient and promote your book to your audience once it is live.

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Udemezue John
Internet Billionaires

Software Dev | Blogger | Digital Marketing. I Post about building an online business. 👉👉 How To Make Money Online