How To Sell Digital Products Online With Google Drive

Udemezue John
Internet Billionaires
5 min readMar 25, 2024


Whatever your digital goodies are, there’s a whole world of potential customers waiting to buy them. But here’s the thing: Google Drive itself isn’t exactly set up as a storefront.

So, how do you bridge the gap and turn your digital gems into a source of income? Well, fret no more, my friend!

In this guide, I’m going to walk you through the steps of selling your digital products online, all while using Google Drive as your trusty storage companion.

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Why Should I Sell Digital Products With Google Drive?

So, you’ve created something amazing — an ebook, a killer workout plan, a set of stunning design templates — and you’re ready to share it with the world (and make some money, of course!).

You might be wondering if Google Drive can be your secret weapon for selling digital products.

Now, Google Drive itself isn’t an all-in-one e-commerce platform, but hear me out.

It turns out, this trusty storage tool can be a surprisingly powerful asset in your digital product arsenal. Here’s why I love using Google Drive to sell my digital goodies:

1. It’s in My Cloud, Accessible Everywhere.

Forget clunky file transfers or depending on your own website’s storage space.

Google Drive is all about the cloud, which means my files are always accessible from any device, anywhere.

This makes it super convenient for me to update products, add new downloads, or even manage customer access — all on the go!

2. Secure Like Fort Knox (Well, Almost).

Security is a big concern, especially when you’re dealing with downloads.

Google Drive uses top-notch encryption to keep my files safe, and I can control who has access with granular permission settings.

This gives me peace of mind that my products are only reaching the paying customers who deserve them.

3. Free Up My Website (and My Wallet).

My website is great for showcasing my products, but hosting all those downloads can put a strain on its resources. Google Drive takes that burden off my shoulders.

Plus, with the free storage tier, I can get started selling without any extra costs.

Even with paid plans, they’re usually much cheaper than dedicated file hosting services.

4. Simple Doesn’t Mean Weak.

While Google Drive isn’t a full-blown shopping cart, it can still be surprisingly versatile.

There are workarounds! I can use third-party tools to integrate payment processing and create a smooth checkout experience.

Plus, with Google Sheets, I can even set up automated invoices to keep things organized.

5. Perfect for Starting.

If you’re new to selling digital products, Google Drive is a fantastic way to dip your toes in the water.

It’s a familiar platform, easy to use, and lets you focus on creating great products without getting bogged down by complex e-commerce setups.

Of course, Google Drive has its limitations. For complex sales funnels or managing a huge number of products, a dedicated e-commerce platform might be a better fit down the line.

But for starting, or for sellers with a smaller product range, Google Drive is a secure, cost-effective, and surprisingly powerful tool you shouldn’t underestimate.

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How do I Sell Digital Products With Google Drive?

While Google Drive is fantastic for storing your digital creations, it might not be the first platform that pops into mind when you think of “selling products.”

But guess what? With a little creativity, you can turn Google Drive into a springboard for your digital empire!

Now, I’m not saying you can set up a full-fledged online store directly within Drive.

But what you can do is leverage its file hosting capabilities and combine them with other tools to create a smooth selling process. Here’s how I’ve been using Google Drive to sell my digital products:

Step 1: Package Your Product Up Pretty.

First things first, make sure your digital product is polished and ready to go. If it’s an ebook, ensure it’s formatted correctly (think PDFs or EPUBs).

For templates or design elements, zip them up for easy downloading. This not only keeps everything organized but also gives your customers a clean and professional experience.

Step 2: The Power of the Shareable Link.

Alright, with your product prepped, it’s time to upload it to Google Drive.

Here’s the neat part: Google Drive lets you create shareable links for your files.

But there’s a catch — by default, anyone with the link can access the file. To fix this, we’ll need to tweak the sharing settings.

Right-click on your file, go to “Sharing settings,” and then under “Get link,” change the access to “Restricted.” This way, only people you grant access to can download the file.

Now, copy that special link — it’ll be our secret handshake between you and your happy customers!

Step 3: Let’s Get Selling (Here Comes the Fun Part!).

Now that you have your secure download link, it’s time to get creative! Here are a few options for how you can integrate this link into your selling strategy:

  • Ecommerce Website: If you have a website, you can create a product page with a description of your digital product and a “Buy Now” button. Clicking this button can initiate the payment process through a payment gateway like PayPal or Stripe, and once complete, automatically send the customer your secure download link via email.
  • Social Media Storefront: Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow you to create shoppable posts. Briefly showcase your product there, and direct potential customers to a landing page (which can be a simple website or even a well-crafted Google Doc!) where they can learn more and hit that glorious “Buy Now” button.
  • Simple Email Marketing: Build an email list of interested buyers. Craft enticing email campaigns highlighting the benefits of your digital product, and include a clear call to action with a link to your payment processor or a landing page where they can purchase. Once the payment is complete, send them the secure download link via email.

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For a seamless experience, consider using tools like Zapier to automate the email delivery of your download link after a successful payment.

This saves you tons of time and ensures your customers get their goodies right away.

Google Drive is a fantastic tool for storing your digital products, but it’s the combination with other services that unlock its full potential as a selling platform.

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Udemezue John
Internet Billionaires

Software Dev | Blogger | Digital Marketing. I Post about building an online business. 👉👉 How To Make Money Online