Blogging without an Idea

Anjelica RufusBarnes
Internet, Libraries, Thinking
2 min readDec 15, 2015

I considered writing a blog for many years. However, I always got stumped on what to write. There are already blogs about working moms, which I was until January 2015 (still have the kids, not the job). There are already blogs about people with spouses or children with disabilities (most notably, family friend Amanda Ripsam’s “Mommies Quiet Place” — ). There are even blogs and advice articles about returning to college as a nontraditional student (I’m old enough to be most of my classmates’ oldest sister).

When I first learned that my class had to write at least eight blog entries for “Internet, Libraries, Thinking,” my first thought was “cool!” I finally could write in a blog using the assignment’s general theme: libraries, technology, and anything else that relates to our class. I would write once a week and have 15–16 posts by the end of the semester! Unfortunately, I did not anticipate other course work, life events, and worst of all: lack of ideas. Whenever I thought about writing about technology, I felt that I needed more information before writing. Whenever I wrote about libraries, I spent six — eight hours for less than 600 words because I wanted to make sure I provided the most accurate information. By the time I thought about writing about something mentioned class, classmates have already written related posts and have done it well.

So, I decided to write my entries about libraries or technology or class content from my perspective. It will save me hours because the information is from my head. Also, the entries would feel less like a mid-term paper and more like a snippet from my journal.

