Evolution of my Library

Kevin Monroe
Internet, Libraries, Thinking
2 min readDec 15, 2015

I have found that my local library in Northbrook, IL has evolved drastically over the last 10–15 years. At first I noticed all of the structural changes when they completely rebuilt a whole section of the library. However as I’ve grown older and began to look at things differently I noticed that the library held more than just books, but a myriad of different cultural and social aspects. The mission statement of the library is as follows:

The Northbrook Public Library believes that access to information is essential to a free, creative and democratic society. Therefore, the Library strives to provide the community with an accommodating environment for the dissemination, exchange, and evaluation of ideas and information. This mission is enabled by providing a wide variety of materials and resources, services, modern facilities and a professional staff.

I believe that they hold true to this mission statement. I think that as public library they have translated their mission quite well. Before starting this program I would have said that the library as well as the mission statement were of a traditional nature. However, as I have begun to learn more about the history of libraries, the different types of libraries, and the constant evolution of them I would say that their mission statement has become more of a evolving role in its service to its patrons.

On a simple visit to the library for another class I’m currently taking my eyes were opened to all of the different things that are available at the Northbrook Public Library. Yoga classes are offered weekly, talks and readings are offered throughout the month and they even have separate event calendars available for adults and children’s events.

I firmly believe that the evolving mission statement shows the library’s commitment to the community and that they will serve it in which ever way the patrons want as their needs and wants evolve.

