Goodbye to Libraries?

Christina Vincent
Internet, Libraries, Thinking
1 min readDec 14, 2015

I found an opinion piece on the SC Times website (found at this address that I found discusses a topic that is often brought up in conversations about libraries: are libraries needed in the digital age? Some people think they can find everything they need on the Internet and therefore find no use for libraries. The author of this opinion piece disagreed. Jason Franke found that most people in his community still used print media and the thought that libraries are not needed is misleading. While his writing is more passive aggressive towards his critics, his point is still valid. While digital technologies can be important to libraries, they are well integrated into libraries. Library services should complement each other, providing unique ways to find information. And while digital technology has its perks (like portability), it can have its disadvantages as well. It has a learning curve, cannot always be reliable, and some resources have restrictions on accessibility. Paper and digital sources balance each other out and nowhere else has both these sources but libraries. Now some libraries have gone all digital while others are stuck in the past. How long these types of libraries will last I have no idea. But there are a wide variety of patrons that come to libraries and having both kinds of materials can increase the likeliness of helping more patrons.

