Internet vs. Donald Trump (Internet wins)

Christina Vincent
Internet, Libraries, Thinking
1 min readDec 14, 2015

The Internet is like an untamable highway of discussions that can be heard around the world. It is a part of many people’s daily lives, and some who now make a living writing blogs or making videos on the Internet. A lot of people would argue the Internet has benefited our modern day society, spreading information better and faster. However, this also means malicious ideals can also find a wider audience. Terror support groups have found ways to use social media to gain supporters around the world. Some people believe that the only way to stop this is to censor the Internet in America (discussed here There are many problems with this way of thinking and the idea itself cannot be executed. It is not entirely possible to just shut out entire sections of the Internet. Some hackers could find ways around any barriers set up. Shutting off Internet access in certain locations would be unfair and not controllable (since it’s not possible to make companies turn off their service). There would be nothing to stop people from moving away from the affected area either. America cannot affect Internet services in other countries; each country delegates their own Internet policies. Thinking that we can control the entire Internet and how each person uses it is irrational. We can spread ideals of how it should be used, but the Internet is too large to be perfect.

