New Media and who can access it at the Library

Kevin Monroe
Internet, Libraries, Thinking
2 min readDec 15, 2015

The question can be raised on what media should be accessible for children and how much time should it be accessible for and it is a good question. We don’t want children to become isolated with the use of media instead of using it as a tool. When media, such as, iPads or other touch devices become the caregiver instead of an actual person a breakdown in development can occur. I think used as a tool new media can bring new and fun interactive ways for librarians to use in their programs and in storytime.

Storytime is an interactive program that not only teaches, but socializes children as well. New media can give access to new and exciting ways for librarians to update and change their programs. Though it may be intimidating at first because most librarians now have learned about new media as it has been developed I think that it is a great new tool. I can picture the excitement of children seeing animated storytelling where they can interact with the story as it goes along.

eLit as well as library professionals do have the responsibility to make sure that the information available is educational and age appropriate. Companies that provide the applications and programs that will be used as new media should be informed as well as to what their technology is being used for and how it can be best applied. As we enter this new media age we need to educate ourselves as well as the children’s caregivers on what can and should be used and what shouldn’t. I don’t see new media becoming a substitute for actual caregivers, but more of a tool that used properly can enhance a child’s education.

With each new advance in technology more and more will be available to us as librarians and to caregivers as well. It is up to us to make sure that we use these advances properly and for the betterment of the children that we are using it with.

