What speed are you at?

Christina Vincent
Internet, Libraries, Thinking
1 min readDec 14, 2015

Internet service is a staple of homes and library services nowadays. For those that cannot afford Wi-Fi or computers, they want a reliable place they can use those technologies. But are libraries getting the service they paid for? This article (http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/new-website-tells-users-if-internet-speed-matches-providers-promises-20151213) looks into a site called Internethealthtest.org that may be able tell you if you are getting the fastest connection your internet provider offered you. This is highly important for libraries to know. Internet is often in high demand every day for libraries. Along with the computers they provide, libraries have to be ready for additional laptops, phones, and tablets using their Wi-Fi. The institution should have a service that provides the speed they promise. This site’s service helps maintain broadband companies’ quality of service. If outside services and consumers are monitoring and challenging a company’s products, than the company will be forced to maintain a higher quality in its services. This is beneficial to its consumers, including libraries and individual homes. There are many more sites like this one, including speedtest.net and even ones provided by broadband companies. However, it is probably best to use a site provided by a neutral party. It appears that the attorney general in New York will be using Internethealthtest.org to test broadband providers in New York to confirm that the services they provide are top-notch and to fix any problems they find. This is just one way for institutions to find the best services for their patrons.

