Me me me me me me

or You, You, You, You

Internet Marketing
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2013


All About Me

You can’t be about Me online today. You have to be about your clients.

People really really don’t care about you. I heard a joke recently where which was you shouldn’t tell people if you aren’t feeling well as 20% of people don’t care and the other 80% are secretly glad.

I don’t think it was a joke actually

Yesterday I had a visitor who was in for a website analysis, online marketing brain dump. I do this with clients who have small budgets who can’t afford to sign up to my normal service.

They come in we spend 2 hours feverishly looking at what they are doing online. I give them advice, some online notes and kicks up the virtual behind.

They scribble feverishly, taking notes and leave energised and with 4-5 definite actions that cost nothing to execute bar their time and will help them.

Yesterday the person got it. She smiled. I could see that she could see that she understood. It was great. The sun came through.

I basically told her that she has to help people and make them screaming advocates for her business. Provide information. Little chunks that people can take onboard and say “Wow that is handy/interesting/funny”.

It Isn’t Rocket Science

It isn;t rocket science. It isn’t even paper aeroplane science. Its just we are fascinated by ourselves.

We all spend the majority of our time thinking about ourselves. Its why we forget things for others, the birthday, the meeting, pick up the dry cleaning for your wife.

But you have to think of someone else. Sit down get out a piece of paper and write down who your customer is, what they do on a day to day baisis (guess what thinking about themselves of course) and provide them with the THING that will make their minute, hour, day better.

Do that and then do it again, and again and again and again.

Its hard. Your mind will drift back to me with questions like.

“How can I make more money?”

“How Can I grow the business?”

“Why have I a tickle in my throat?”

The To Do List

The To Do list is the backbone of it all.

Get a piece of paper or some electronic doohickey (paper is best).

Write down one thing you will create, do online that will make your clients or potential client look up and pay attention.

No not 10 just one. It may create something, draw something, film something or write a blog post. It really doesn’t matter.

Stop sending pictures of your coffee cup to people. Send them useful information. It needn’t even have been created by you.

Good luck. Off with you now get going. Oh and let me know how you do.



Internet Marketing

Hi I'm Kieran. Grange Design create amazing website solutions and help market your business online.