No No No We don’t have time

Or why you aren’t at the World Cup

Internet Marketing
3 min readJun 25, 2014


I would love to spend 2 weeks in Brazil at the World Cup, watching games, seeing people get bitten and hopping on planes to games and basically getting down in Brazil.

I can’t because I can’t afford it — selling a kidney perhaps might make me the cash but perhaps a rash decision. To get there I need to make more money.

Blogging won’t make me rich but creating great content online is one of the teeny weeny strategies that will over time help drip feed paying customers to me and my business.

You have to be a content creator today. I tell all my clients this.

Oh no no no we don’t have time to create content we are VURRY VURRY busy.

Well tough toenails. you are in a content world. All we see these days are the backs of peoples heads as they inspect their devices. Wonder if they inspect their fingernails at the same time.

If you have a smartphone you can become a content monster. Get your cookie monster costume now and start using it.

WordPress is an amazing platform for creating content now (as are several others). you can blog from your phone now while waiting for the third slice of pizza, second beer. It needn’t be 2,000 words.

Add a photo. Instagram your product. Tweet a recipe. Wave from Facebook. Look thoughtful on Linkedin by sharing a blog post that you might even have read.

This sort of content creation isn’t best in class (a phrase from my corporate days that still makes me shiver). It won’t get you to the world cup either.

Get bad first, then get better.

If you have watched more than 3 World Cup games that is 270 minutes of sport that you could have multi tasked and written a bit of content.

Don’t snivel “but I’m tired and we have a lot on our plates and we need our down time.

World Cup 2018 Here I Come

We all know what people love online these days. Videos, Infographics. great visuals, supported by amazingly well written words.

If you really really can’t do that then think of putting some marketing budget towards hiring people to do this for you. you may have the artistic nous of a concrete block and the writing skills of a caveman so you then need to get others on board to help you.

What We Do is a A little Different

Our product offering is a bit different from the norm

This phrase is often said with a slight tilt of the head an a rueful chuckle. It implies that you can’t write content about it or it is VURRY VURRY hard. Rubbish. You can write content about horse droppings. In fact people probably do Phds on that topic or related.

So don’t give me that shit. See what I did there huh huh.

Get writing, get hiring, get doing, failing and testing.

Woolie Pullies — World Cup 2018

World Cup 2018 is in Russia. So in addition to tickets, money for fun and flights I will need a wooly pullie budget.

Now I am not so MASSIVELY naïve to think that pumping out some snappy blog or a great infographic on the evolution of the horse turd will get me that rich revenue stream to pay for the Lear jet and hotels in Moscow.

But I do know that snivelling and whining about not getting new customers for your flat dead website isn’t going to help either.

Anyone know if AirBnB are in Moscow?



Internet Marketing

Hi I'm Kieran. Grange Design create amazing website solutions and help market your business online.