How to Increase Social Media Engagement

Are you struggling to generate likes, comments, and shares?

Andy Lau, MBA
All About Marketing
5 min readJul 26, 2020


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

When COVID hit, millions of people across the globe were forced to quarantine in their homes. With extra time on their hands, it’s no surprise that consumers started spending more time browsing social media. Live streaming and video chatting became newly popular means of communication.

Social Media Usage —

According to a poll from eMarketer, social media usage saw a 50% spike during shelter-in-place orders. This year, US adult social media networkers will spend 7 more minutes per day on social media versus 2019. Users are browsing 53% more on Facebook and 32% more on Instagram. Twitter reported that daily usage is up 23% year-over-year (Kantar).

Social Media Engagement Rates — Rival IQ

Although social media usage is up, reports show that engagement rates are actually down. This means that even though more people are consuming content, they are only passively browsing. As the country reopens and people return to school and work, it’s predicted that social media consumption will start to decrease. That creates a big challenge for social media engagement. Following these strategies will help you boost your social media engagement rates.

Authenticity Matters More Than Ever

The world came to a halt and consumers lost a lot of trust. Sadness and uncertainty filled people's minds. Consumers are turning to brands and organizations that make them feel safe. There is a shift toward empathy, compassion, and social messaging focusing on offering hope and positivity. Be honest and share your own challenges and struggles — people will appreciate the authenticity. Use your real voice when responding to followers.

People don’t want to see highly edited photos anymore. Be real and authentic! — Redfin CE Real Estate Course

People and brands will need to work hard to regain and restrengthen trust with consumers. The best way to recapture trust is through authentic content. Honesty and transparency will go a long way. Think about how you can connect and create a connection with your audience through social media. This will make people feel like they are part of your brand versus you trying to sell them something. Clickbait headlines and perfect images are of the past. Put together a well-planned social media content calendar that will resonate and invite your followers to engage. Post real updates that reflect your genuine personality or brand and the likes and comments will come organically.

Show Real Faces and Real Customers

Example of User-Generated Content on Instagram from Smile Direct Club

92% of consumers trust earned media more than any other form of content (Nielsen Research). That’s an 18% increase since 2007. User-generated content presents a friendly face behind the brand that is relatable to the everyday consumer. Real faces and real customers build trust and credibility during these uncertain times. They are now what drives engagement on social media.

People want the real deal. User-generated content works well because it fosters consumer confidence. Consumers say that photos from real customers will make them more likely to purchase a product or service. Instead of the highly edited photo, consumers are now more drawn to the human element in social media content.

As the world reopens, people want proof that real customers are returning. They want to see consumer confidence and a strong economy. 87% of people agree that social media influences what they purchase and 56% of people utilize reviews to make informed purchases online (Social Media Today). People and brands can increase engagement by showcasing social proof through user-generated content.

Conversations Over Click

A lot of people and brands forgot why social media was originally created. It is a way for people to connect with one another, and to showcase and discuss moments in our lives. The core of social media has and always will be focused on conversations. Now more than ever should you focus on storytelling.

Example of Excellent Conversation Starter on LinkedIn from Tim Denning

Take a step back and analyze if you are creating a dialogue with your followers. Or are you only pitching yourself or brand in each post? Retrain your social media strategy to focus on conversations, not clicks. Being part of the conversation whether in Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, or Twitter lists should be prioritized. Social media content should open up dialogue amongst followers, build community, and support one another. This will drive engagement across your social media accounts.

Video To Stand Out

YouTube and TikTok blew up massively this year, with daily usage up 15% according to Social Media Today. People are turning towards short clips of video to pass time. TikTok alone saw 115 million app downloads just in the month of March.

If you want to generate social media engagement, you will need to have a solid video strategy on social media. Live streaming and vlogging on YouTube have become insanely popular. Quirky dances and looping content drives the strongest engagement across TikTok. Instagram TV and Reels are fairly new ways for people to engage with content creators and brands.

Quirky, looping video content on TikTok from Chipotle

To boost social engagement with video, the first impression matters. This means creating a relevant and eye-catching thumbnail. Use the proper tags to capture the right audience. Don’t cross-post the same content but instead customize your videos per platform as they all have different viewing experiences and serve different purposes. Utilize Live and Stories when possible to stay in the minds of your followers. News and trending topics, stories that evoke emotion, videos that teach something, and exclusive behind the scenes content all have proven to drive social media engagement.

Final Thoughts

Engagement rates allow people and brands to gauge how well their content is perceived by followers. High engagement rates mean the social media content resonates well with users, while low engagement rates mean that you are missing the mark.

For people and brands looking to increase their engagement rates across social media, these are some thoughts to consider:

  • Authethictily matters
  • User-generated content
  • Conversations over clicks
  • Video content

Look for ways to stand out in the highly saturated social media space.

