How To Make Money On Instagram TV

New features coming to Instagram content creators

Andy Lau, MBA
All About Marketing
4 min readMay 28, 2020


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

What is Instagram TV?

Instagram TV (also known as IGTV) is an application from Facebook’s family of products. IGTV serves content in a vertical, full-screen video format. Content is shown from your followers as well as other recommended IGTV creators.

Below are examples of IGTV content.

Instagram TV — Photo from Instagram

Currently, there are two ways to access Instagram TV:

  • Directly in the Instagram app
  • Downloading the Instagram TV standalone app from the iTunes and Google Play store

Instagram describes the goal of IGTV is to bring audiences closer to the creators they love.

We are re-envisioning mobile video with a new standalone surface that features longer videos and easy discoverability through channels, all in a vertical format that sits upright, in the palm of your hand.

— Instagram

How can creators start making money?

Instagram announced that content creators will soon be able to monetize their IGTV content, similar to how creators can make money from YouTube.

This will happen in two ways:

  • IGTV Ads: Creators will be able to monetize their IGTV content with IGTV ads. IGTV ads will appear when users click to watch the creators’ IGTV content. The video ads will be up to 15 seconds long and optimized for mobile devices. Instagram will share a portion of ad revenue with the content creator. Instagram’s COO told The Verge that creators will be paid the industry standard or about 55% of ad revenue generated.
IGTV Sephora Ad — Photo from Later
  • Badges from IGTV Live: The second way Instagram creators will be able to make money from IGTV is through IGTV Live. Between February and March, IGTV Live content has seen a 70% uptick in viewership due to stay-at-home orders. Brands and creators have found IGTV Live a great way to connect and stay relevant with their followers. Fans will be able to purchase badges during a Live IGTV session ranging from $0.99 to $4.99. A badge will appear next to the fan’s name. In addition, paid fans will be able to unlock additional features and stand out in the comments section.
IGTV Fans and Badges — Photo from TechCrunch

How soon will this be released?

Currently, IGTV ads and badges for IGTV Live are in the testing phase. Instagram partnered with 200 content creators to test the monetization program.

The testing phase is expected to last a few weeks. Once testing is completed, Instagram will roll the monetization program to more creators in the next few months.

What can you do today?

#1: Read Instagram’s Partner Monetization Policies

Creators must adhere to Instagram’s Partner Monetization Policies, Content Monetization Policies, as well as Community Guidelines if they want to monetize their content. Authentic and accurate content is another key component. Creators must have an established Instagram presence and a solid following base.

If creators break any of Instagram’s monetization rules, the creator will not be qualified to monetize their content. These reasons make it imperative for creators to follow closely to Instagram’s rules.

#2: Pick a Niche and Start Building Your IGTV Content Library

Although not everyone can start monetizing their content on Instagram TV just yet, people who want to participate in the program can get a head start by building their IGTV video library.

Start defining your niche and target audience. Post relevant content on your IGTV channel. Some ideas include:

  • Exclusive Content
  • Product Releases
  • Sneak Peaks
  • Latest News
  • Behind the Scenes
  • Video Series

#3: Promote Your IGTV

Lastly, start promoting your IGTV content. Tell people to follow your content via social media. You’ll want to gain a solid following since that is one of the requirements for Instagram's Partner Monetization Policies.

Another helpful tip is to promote your IGTV content on your Instagram Story. This will give users a sneak peek of your content. Promoting your content will allow you to gain exposure and increase your future earnings.

By following these three steps, you set yourself up for success. Once Instagram’s Partner Monetization program rolls out to all content creators, you won’t have to scramble to build your IGTV library.

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