IOEN partners with Bullish Unicorn to accelerate the growth of a new distributed energy future

Internet of Energy Network
Internet of Energy Network
2 min readSep 10, 2021

“We at IOEN are super excited to be partnering with Bullish Unicorn. Their expertise in marketing and showing what a great future looks like is second to none in the crypto space. And that is exactly what we need to showcase how IOEN tech can make a difference in many people’s lives”

Dr Adam Bumpus, IOEN CEO.

One of the largest challenges in creating and delivering new technology to the world is having the message clearly communicated so that it builds an active community. Bullish Unicorn uses a combination of high end graphics, multiple media channels, great content, and a clear methodology for delivering a simple, compelling narrative.

“We love the idea of IOEN and the mini grids. We strongly believe that this project will bring a new economy to the energy sector and will open new possibilities in the way we think of energy consumption.”

Paulii Good, Creative Director

What we are building at IOEN is a fundamentally new way of developing and delivering clean energy technologies around the world. Our technology brings DeFi transaction systems into exiting energy systems and enables anyone in the world to easily participate. IOEN is flipping the current energy model on its head and focusing on the communities who want to see this change happen. To do that we need to build virtual communities who will connect through the IOEN platform, and Bullish Unicorn’s Steve Good, and his team, has proven time and again that digital engagement powers positive impacts for core DeFi projects.

About Bullish
Bullish Unicorn is a digital marketing and creative agency who also invests in disruptive projects and technologies. We believe that creating vibrant and engaging brands is key to enabling our clients to develop, flourish and grow. And with a little bit of our magic, energy and time, we love to help them become the next bullish unicorn.

About IOEN
IOEN (the Internet of Energy Network) is an interconnected system of minigrids that facilitate transactions within and between local energy ecosystems: from the appliance level to energy generation, storage, and consumption. IOEN tech enables homes anywhere to operate as an intelligent cooperative system, where devices in the network adjust their behaviour to suit local grid needs and the needs of individuals, based on economic incentives.

Want to learn more about how IOEN is building virtual minigrids? Great, check out our article here.

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Internet of Energy Network
Internet of Energy Network

IOEN is an interconnected system of virtual microgrids that facilitates transactions within & between local energy ecosystems powered by Holochain.