Top 12 Reasons Every Record Label Should Have an Internet Radio Station

Internet Radio
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2014


Why wait for radio to notice your artists?

Be radio.

  1. It’s Free, Powerful Marketing... A 24/7 internet radio station is a consistent connection to your artists’s fans and exposure to new fans. In the automated stream (in addition to great music playlists) you can highlight Tour dates, Pre-Tour parties, Launch Dates, Artists Interviews, and behind the scenes experiences, in addition to getting the music out into the digital market. Our network currently reaches 65 million listening hours a month worldwide.

This is pro-active marketing and did we mention it’s free?

Radionomy covers all your hosting, streaming, licensing, and distribution costs.

2) Be Everywhere. This no-cost internet radio creation platform automatically pushes the station to over 10 of the TOP Internet Radio Directories, reaching millions of users for additional exposure.

3) Mobile Reach- this station can easily be pulled into any mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices.

4) Mobile Player- An html5 player is responsive designed for the mobile screen. The player on your website(s) will automatically reconfigure to fit the smaller screen. More people connect to the internet via mobile devices than any other way.

5) A custom web player can easily embed in your website but also in ANY website of your partners, fans, music publications etc. This is easily sharable. You syndicate on websites, mobile apps, social networks, not just towers.

6) This player can ALSO be linked to newsfeeds & posts via Social Media- For twitter, FB, blogs, etc. Again you can highlight great content, launch tracks, featured artists, stage interviews, keep fans engaged.

7) International Reach- This is a global broadcast so unlike terrestrial radio you reach the world with your music and message.

8) “Go Live”- to highlight launches, tours, events and other timely content, or go behind the scenes at the next event.

9) Interview your artists so they can tag their social networks to build even more momentum. This is leverage and momentum.

10) Share the station with important industry people and AM/FM radio programmers for additional exposure. More is better.

11) Syndicate —in addition to giving your station player away, we are working on a syndication model wherein your label’s ‘shows’ can be picked up by our over 7000 broadcasters and pulled into their broadcasts as well (this is coming in early 2015).

12) Revenue- in addition to revenue shares in our ad insertion labels can also promote sponsors and charge accordingly. Label keeps 100% of those transactions. If the station gets substantial listening we may also be able to bring major brands in as sponsors via our sister-co



Internet Radio

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