Use MegaSeg and Get Unlimited Streaming & Music Licensing for Free

Internet Radio
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2015

If you use MegaSeg to program your radio station, you may be paying for hosting, streaming, and music licensing. You don’t have to anymore.

Radionomy offers a no-cost streaming, music licensing and distribution platform for internet radio producers/stations. In addition to the no-cost services, Radionomy takes your station to all the major online radio directories automatically (and for free). Directories like iTunes, TuneIn, WindowsMedia, AppleTV, Sonos, and many more. They also offer a customizable HTML5 player that you can place on your website, blog, or social media site.

Get an audience reaching more than 130 listening hours a day and Radionomy offers you a free mobile app dedicated to just your station for both iOS and Android devices. Includes 50/50 rev share on mobile ads.

Here is how it works….(sign up:

  1. Radionomy keeps its services ‘free’ because you barter with them for 4 minutes of air time per hour, which they sell to major brand advertisers via sister-company TargetSpot. TargetSpot is the largest digital ad network in the world serving more than 60 million impressions a month
  2. Radionomy has a cloud-based automation system which they call the RadioManager online (RMO). You can use this as a back up stream should you lose connection with your encoder and the Radionomy servers.
  3. Once you have created a free account, (sign up for an account here and set up your back up stream (see instructions here: then you simple break into that streaming with your encoder- like nicecast.

4. To get your LIVE URL for the Nicecast output simply go to the Settings link on your RadioManager ( and click on the TECH INFO link. You’ll see your IP and Port- and live password.

5. Next you’ll want to make sure you are triggering 2 ad stops an hour within your playlist. Check out this Radionomy Forum/Board instruction on how to set up simple triggers. Note: you must be logged onto you Radionomy account or board ( or click on Forum link in the RadioManager ( to see this post and instructions.

6. Once you have connected your station you can check out your station page on (search station name) and you’ll find your .m3u and click the player link to find the HTML5 code for your custom player. Your direct URL is always Share, share, share. Radionomy will auto-list you on TuneIn, iTunes, Windows Media Player, Sonos and many many more.

7. Hit some big audience #s and Radionomy will start to pay you to stream. Learn more about those audience thresholds on the Forum.

8. Check out the STATS link on the RMO to get detailed info on what kind of audience and hours you are reaching day to day around the world.

Have fun and happy streaming for free! Online Radio has been freed to succeed and you can be a part of it today.

Here is where to get started:



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