How to set a custom scaled screen resolution on MacOS Ventura

Dale Clifford
Internet Stack
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2022


If you use an external monitor, you will want to set a custom screen resolution to take advantage of 4K or 5K screens with 40"+ monitors.

You might have recently upgraded to MacOS Ventura, October 2022.

If you use an external monitor, you will want to set a custom screen resolution.

Out of the box, you can see four recommended resolutions, scaling from Larger Text to More Space.

macOS Ventura

macOS Big Sur & High Sierra

Fixing it

There’s an easy was to customise your resolution.

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Choose Displays
  3. macOS Big Sur & High Sierra:
    Hold down the Option key and click on Scaled option

    macOS Ventura:
    Hold down the Option key and click on ‘Larger text’ or ‘More space’

