Which is better for FaceTime: audio or video? Compare the benefits of each to decide!

FaceTime Audio vs Video: Which is Better?

Dale Clifford
Internet Stack
2 min readJul 12, 2023


Are you new to FaceTime and wondering which is better — audio or video? Or maybe you’ve been using FaceTime for a while but want to know how to get the most out of it.

This guide is for anyone who wants to learn more about FaceTime Audio and Video.

Getting Started

FaceTime is a video and audio calling app that allows you to connect with other Apple users.

It’s a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, no matter where they are in the world.

FaceTime Audio and Video are two different ways to use the app.

FaceTime Audio is a voice-only call, while FaceTime Video is a video call.

Both options have their own benefits, so it’s up to you to decide which one is better for your needs.

How to

  1. Open the FaceTime app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
  2. Select the person you want to call from your contacts list or enter their phone number or email address.
  3. Choose between FaceTime Audio or Video by tapping the corresponding icon.
  4. Wait for the other person to answer your call.
  5. Enjoy your conversation!

Best Practices

  • Make sure you have a good internet connection for video calls.
  • Use headphones or earbuds to improve audio quality.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid background noise.
  • Respect the privacy of the person you are calling.


Here’s an example of a real-world conversation using FaceTime Audio:

Person A: Hi, can you talk?

Person B: Sure, what’s up?

Person A: I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing.

Person B: I’m doing well, thanks for asking.

Person A: Great, is there anything new going on with you?

Person B: Not really, just working a lot.

How about you?

Person A: Same here, just trying to stay busy.

Well, it was good to catch up with you.

Person B: Yeah, you too.

Talk to you soon!

And here’s an example of a real-world conversation using FaceTime Video:

Person A: Hey, can you do a video call?

Person B: Sure, let me just grab my headphones.

Person A: No problem, take your time.

Person B: Okay, I’m ready.

Can you see and hear me okay?

Person A: Yeah, everything looks and sounds good.

Person B: Great, what did you want to talk about?

Person A: I just wanted to show you something.

Check out this new recipe I found.

Person B: Oh, that looks delicious.

I’ll have to try it sometime.

Person A: Yeah, let me know how it turns out.

Thanks for chatting with me!

Person B: Anytime, talk to you later!

Originally published at Internet Stack.
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