Does size matter?

…when it comes to choosing the right firm?

Dyuthi Prakash
3 min readDec 24, 2016


The question of the year!

I can’t possibly explain how this has boggled me every time I was at a crossroads to choose between a small and large firm. To be honest, I’ve worked mostly in small firms, as they are less intimidating. But wait, I won’t give you a biased opinion. Let me elaborate below how they can both benefit you in different ways, and let you make an informed decision.

Illustration Courtesy : Dyuthi Prakash. (Pardon the sickly-looking intern!)

Small firms (10–20 employees)

  1. They’re less intimidating! That’s probably psychological. When you walk into an office that fits into your cone of view, it makes you feel comfortable and warm. As an intern, comfort is what you need more than anything.
  2. You get to do everything. This is the biggest perk. Like I said in my post earlier, when I worked as an editorial intern, I also got to work with marketing, social media and Web design. Now I can add more skills to my CV! I also had to design the Christmas card to be sent out to all the clients. I now have versatile skills, haha.
  3. You’re considered as part of the family. I work in a small 12–person firm now, and it took me less than a week to get acquainted with everyone and feel at home. I know for certain that I’ve made friends for life.
Illustration courtesy — Dyuthi Prakash ( I just couldn’t resist giving it an architectural touch.)

Large firms (20+ employees)

  1. You’re given a certain department to work in. If you’re a 3D modelling intern, you’re confined to that department for the period of your internship and might not possibly see how the design department works. This also gives you an advantage; you might become an expert at 3D modelling. You can look at the glass both half full and empty.
  2. You’ll have company! Most large firms tend to hire more than one intern to facilitate things. So you’ll always have somebody to lunch with. And somebody who’s also doing it for the first time, like you. That’s definitely a pro for me.
  3. You’ll never run out of work. At a large firm, there’s always enough work to count on. As an intern, it is crucial to keep your hands full, as much as possible. You’ll realise how much it helped you when you start a full-time job later.

To be honest, large firms scare me. Everything happens like clockwork in large firms. There’s somebody for everything, an HR to take care of the employees, a head for every department, and oh, let’s not forget the interns. But the prospect of having to go up the corporate ladder of the company gives you the drive to work harder.

P.S. I start at a large firm early next year, and can’t wait to give you a peek into the corporate life! Stay tuned!



Dyuthi Prakash

24. Millennial. Architect, by day. Writer (?) by night. Your fierce next-door feminist.