Enhancing Performance through APM Tools

Samanta Gupta
Internshala Tech
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, performance optimization is a constant pursuit. At Internshala, we have always been committed to enhancing the user experience by addressing issues related to slow-loading pages, optimizing database queries, and cleaning up redundant code and files. While we had a rough idea of where the bottlenecks were, we lacked precise insights into user pain points. This led us on a journey to discover and implement Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools to revolutionize our approach to performance enhancement.

Identifying the Blind Spots

Our initial optimization efforts were based on our internal knowledge and educated guesses. We addressed known issues but were blind to the challenges our users faced. To gain a deeper understanding, we began logging slow queries and analyzing them. This revealed a multitude of user pain points, such as difficulties in applying filters on our Applicant Tracking System (ATS), retrieving the total number of applications received for a position, and querying employers who had registered but never posted job listings. Armed with this newfound knowledge, we set out to address these issues head-on.

“By logging slow queries, we uncovered critical areas where our users were experiencing bottlenecks.”

Embracing APM Tools

Our pursuit of optimal performance led us to explore various APM tools available in the market. After extensive trials and considering factors like the programming language we used and budget constraints, we settled on ATATUS as our APM tool of choice. This tool proved to be a game-changer.

APM dashboard

Uncovering Hidden Opportunities

ATATUS helped us pinpoint our slowest transactions, revealing some surprising results. We uncovered some performance issues with certain less frequently used pages and administrative tools that had previously gone unnoticed. For instance, the feature allowing employers to download a job application’s resume was noticeably slower, and administrators had to wait for up to 10 seconds to access an employer’s posting history. Fortunately, the solutions to these issues were straightforward, highlighting the importance of continuous monitoring. Armed with detailed insights into which parts of our code were causing delays, our developers were able to implement fixes swiftly. This precise information saved us valuable time that would have otherwise been spent on identifying the slowest segments of our codebase. Additionally, we now leverage ATATUS to log our slow queries, streamlining our ability to monitor application-related data from a single, centralized location.

The Internshala engineers working on performance enhancements


Our journey into the world of APM tools has been transformative. We have significantly improved the performance of many pages, achieving transaction times of under 500ms. While challenges persist, ATATUS continues to assist us in identifying and addressing them promptly. By embracing APM, we have not only improved the user experience but also streamlined our development processes, ensuring that performance optimization remains a cornerstone of our commitment to excellence.

“With ATATUS, we gained the power to monitor, analyze, and enhance our application’s performance like never before.”

In the ever-evolving world of web development, the quest for better performance is a never-ending journey, and we are proud to be at the forefront of this endeavor.

