I learnt trading in 4 weeks and earned profits by investing in stock market

Internshala Editor
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018

About the Author: Sreemoy Kar Roy, a student of the University of Calcutta, shares how an online training helped him learn the nuances of trading. He talks about investing money in stock market and earning a considerable profit.

It was a lazy Saturday evening, and I was browsing internships on Internshala. That’s when their offer on online summer trainings caught my eye. Though I wasn’t interested in an online training and was only looking for internships at that time, I clicked on the button out of curiosity. I scrolled through the available trainings and at the end of the page was the Beginner’s Trading Certification training — a 4-week training that teaches you stock market trading strategies! I was intrigued but apprehensive. I asked my friends for their opinion and they suggested that I should avail free online tutorials on YouTube to learn trading rather than spending money on a training. I gave in to their suggestion and started exploring relevant study material. However, to my dismay, I found the information either too cluttered or too complicated.

So, I went back and enrolled for the Internshala training. I had assumed that it would be boring and I’d have to mug up a lot of theoretical concepts; however, it explained the concepts using real-time scenarios. The training was broken into various modules, each of which contained videos explaining different concepts. The videos were short and explained the concepts in such an easy manner that even a layman could understand the intricacies of something as complicated as trading. At the end of every module, there was a test which assessed my grasp of the concepts.

The training began with the basic concepts of stock — what are stocks, how stock exchange works, and the different myths associated with the stock market. It also walked me through the diversification of portfolios and the global and national stock markets. After this, I was directed to some technical aspects of assessing the functioning of a company from an economic viewpoint. I got extensive insights into key financial ratios like earnings per share, price per earnings, return on equity, dividend yield, and debt to equity. As I gained clarity on these terms and learnt how they worked, I understood their benefits in our day-to-day activities. The training explained how financial ratio analysis helped in analysing whether or not one should buy a particular stock through real-time examples. Next, I learnt two rather important concepts — fundamental analysis and technical analysis. The most interesting part of the training was that I got a free account on trackinvest.com where I could invest virtual money and see if my investments were reaping any benefits. This way, I could also keep track of both national and international share markets. The support team was quite helpful. I could post my questions on the Q/A forum or clarify my doubts during the live chat support. After the final module, I took an exam post which a certificate was provided to me.

My interest in stock exchange grew many folds after the training, and I invested a small portion of my father’s savings in the stock market. The training had helped me with empirical stats on how, when, and where to invest money. So, I split my father’s money into 3 parts and invested them in Power Finance Corporation (PFC), Sun TV Network, and Tata Motors. Although the rise for PFC was quite marginal, there was ample scope for the company to expand while Sun TV had a huge operational profit margin. Investing in Tata Motors was a calculated risk. At the end of the week, my portfolio showed a gain which brought immense happiness not only to me but to my father as well. I have made a considerable profit out of trading and I’m looking to pursue a career in the same field. Thank you, Internshala, for helping me learn a new skill, make some extra bucks, and realise my passion.

Does Sreemoy’s review of Internshala Beginner’s Trading Certification inspire you? Do you also want to learn the nitty-gritty of stock exchange and make some profit? Enroll in Internshala’s Beginner’s Trading Certification today and avail an additional discount of 10%.

Note — The story was originally published on the Internshala blog on June 12, 2018.



Internshala Editor

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