My High 5

Internship Preparation
3 min readFeb 15, 2019


Your objective is to adapt to chaotic environments. As the result, you see the world as a permanently changing place where nothing is fixed and you shape it with choices made right now. Instead of predetermining future, you prefer to go with the flow and discover it one day at a time. While some can interpret it as your inability to make plans and disorganization, you clearly know that you are very successful in constantly changing environments, where the work might be pulling you in many directions at once. It’s difficult to make you upset by a sudden change in plans because you understand they are inevitable. You are a valuable asset in any team helping to unfreeze from a sudden change of plans and make progress in chaotic environments.


Your objective is to act and to initiate action. You cannot wait until the discussions are over, wondering when we can actually start doing something. Undoubtedly, sometimes the progress could be achieved in a meeting room, but deep down in your heart you know it’s the action that leads to tangible results. If some can be resistant to act because they don’t have full information, for you — acting is the best teacher and the best source of information. How can you know something does not work if we haven’t tried it? You make a decision, you take action, you look at the result, and you learn. As the result, you are impatient for action and, if not managed, it can lead to confusion of your team members. However, this talent of transforming intangible ideas into tangible actions is invaluable in every team. It’s all because you believe that you will be evaluated by what you get done, not what you say or what you think.


Your objective is to take responsibility. If there is a person who is emotionally bound to follow through on all promises — then it’s you. Your strong ethical principles do not let you to simply write missteps off on excuses and rationalizations. It holds true no matter how small or large is the issue you are dealing with. Your name and reputation depend on you being responsible for your commitments. That’s why people love to have you in their team. When assigning new responsibilities, they look at you first. They are 100% sure that what’ll get on your desk — will get done no matter what.

Problem Solver

Your objective is to solve problems. Any breakdowns are normally demotivating to the majority of people, but not for you. At the contrary, when something does not work the way it should be, it provides you an opportunity to analyze symptoms of a problem, identify what’s wrong and find the solution. In other words, you are a great problem solver. What makes you particularly special is that instead of abandoning — your goal is to restore something to its true glory. In a team, everyone knows you as a person who does not shy away from a problem, but actually fixes things to their normal functioning.


Your objective is to bring positive spirit. If there is someone believing that the glass is half-full instead of half-empty — then it’s you. Whether it’s a work project or a daily situation — you always manage to find a way to make everything more exciting. You inject enthusiasm into people and that’s why they love to be around with you. Sure, there are people who don’t buy your positivity — but could it set you back? No way! Your optimism simply would not allow it! In a team environment, you are generous with praise, grateful for people and circumstances, and quick to find positive in every situation, which is key in motivating people and mitigating conflicts.

