Humanitarian Aid Fund Impact Report 2022

3 grant awards totaling USD $2,500 during 2022!

Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2023


About InterPride’s Funding Programs

There are a total of three (3) grant financing programs available through InterPride. These programs are divided into two distinct categories, namely, organizational support funds and individual support funds. Both the Solidarity Fund and the Humanitarian Fund are available to organizations. The Scholarship Fund is open to applications from individuals. Every dollar is doled out in response to genuine requirements.

CLICK HERE to read the full report.

About InterPride’s Humanitarian Aid Fund

InterPride is committed to supporting the evolving needs of our LGBTQIA+ community. The Humanitarian Aid Fund provides grants for essential needs, combating racism and facility development to LGBTQIA+ Pride or Pride-like organizations around the world. Grants are not awarded to individuals.

The Humanitarian Aid Fund was established in 2022. Previously known as the Legacy Fund, our focus is on emergency support for the global LGBTQIA+ community.

The Grant Committee’s goal is to give the money that has been donated voluntarily by InterPride members, sponsors, and partners to groups who are working to improve the lives of LGBTQIA+ people and increase tolerance and acceptance of them. The committee accomplishes this by providing financial support to organizations in need of emergency assistance worldwide, with particular attention paid to regions where openly LGBTQIA+ people are met with hostility.

Since its launch in 2022, the fund has distributed funds to support shelter needs for trans persons in Tunisia, livelihood support for Hijara/Trans in India, and leadership mentoring for the Center for Black Equity/ DC Black Pride in the USA.

When we launched the new fund, we advertised the opening internationally and invited applications from all interested parties. To help direct our expansion, examine our methods, and provide sound decision-making, we assembled a committee of volunteers to review applications from unique backgrounds.

Our innovative procedure, financing outcomes, and suggestions for further fund development are all summarized in this report. In addition, the outstanding contributions of volunteers and donors to the Humanitarian Aid Fund are also recognized in the report.

Since the grant program is still relatively new, we plan to expand it through 2023 and beyond as a primary mechanism to help our LGBTQIA+ community in need.

CLICK HERE to read the full report.

Application Languages

The Committee reviewed applications in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and French.

Application Regions

The Committee was pleased to see 23 applications from 3 regions around the world, including Uganda, United States, Ecuador, and many others.

Grant Awards By Region

Sadly, due to limited funds, the committee was not able to fund all the applications that met the criteria. An initial review of the applications screened out all those who had incomplete applications including those without references. The Co-Chairs reviewed all 23 applications and shortlisted approximately 5 applications. In the final review, 3 were approved for funding.

Grant Amounts

The final number of recommended applicants was 3 with a total grant amount of USD $2,500.

Number of Grants Per Amount

  • $500 | 1
  • $1,000 | 2

CLICK HERE to read the full report.

Grantees for 2022

The following are 3 successful grantees for 2022

  • Outcasts (Tunisia) | $500 to cover emergency expenses to support temporary shelter for transgender persons.
  • Parivar Bay Area (USA) | $1,000 for livelihood support for Hijara/Trans in India.
  • Center for Black Equity/DC Black Pride (USA) | $1,000 to support leadership mentoring.

CLICK HERE to read the full report.

We would acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals and organizations for supporting the Humanitarian Aid Fund in 2022.


Grant Committee

  • Alan Reiff, Co-Chair
  • Robyn Kennedy, Co-Chair


The Humanitarian Aid Fund would not be possible without the generous contributions of individual and organizational donors. A huge thank you to the following who supported the fund in 2022.

  • Happy Socks
  • Sweatcoin
  • Digital Realty

Fund Development

A special thank you to Madonna Cacciatore, Global Project Manager of Fund Development & Partnerships for working tirelessly to raise the funding to support this program.

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Advancing The Global Pride Movement

