Live Stream: Defining Social Justice, Africa | Asia Edition

23 April 2023 @ 9:00 AM PT with American Futures Institute, a student-led policy think tank and consulting group based out of Duke University.

Published in
6 min readApr 20, 2023



Letter from the Co-President’s

We thank the team of young researchers for producing this report.

We are pleased to introduce the latest research report conducted in collaboration with American Futures Institute, a Duke University-led think tank, which provides valuable insights into how social justice is defined in Africa and Asia that help will shape our future strategies. As the organization’s leaders, we are always looking for new ways to improve our outreach efforts, scholarship and grant programs, and increase opportunities for the global south and east to continue advancing the global Pride movement. This report has given us a wealth of information that will help us do just that.

The report covers a broad range of topics, including anti-LGBTQIA+ sentiment in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and how several factors, including religious beliefs and a culture of honor and collectivism, impact the ability of those locations to advance equity and equality. The team of student experts has conducted extensive research and analysis to produce this comprehensive report, which offers a deep understanding of the current definition of social justice in Africa and Asia.

As you all know, InterPride is committed to delivering the highest quality programming and services to our members. This report will help us by informing our decisions and guiding our actions. We encourage everyone to read this report carefully and use its insights to inform your work.

Thank you to our dedicated team of researchers for their hard work and commitment to excellence. We look forward to working together to continue driving our organization forward and delivering value to our members.


About American Futures Institute (AFI)

A Duke University Student-Run Think Tank

Founded in 2019, the American Futures Institute (AFI) is a student-led policy think tank and consulting group based out of Duke University. We offer pro-bono research and consulting services to legislators, businesses, and nonprofits. Our goal is to work with each of our clients to determine what specialized projects would be most helpful for their specific needs and desires.

As a student lead organization, AFI seeks to introduce the next generation of policymakers and civic leaders to data-driven policy that solves problems and improves lives. Our members undergo training through student-led research projects prior to working hands-on to solve real world public policy problems.

Get in touch with AFI today by clicking here.


Research Team

Maya Arora (she/her/hers)

Maya Arora is a junior at Duke University from Wilmington, NC. She is majoring in Public Policy and minoring in philosophy as well as environmental science policy. Maya is currently AFI’s Director of Consulting and has worked on a range of research projects on topics such as voter rights, education policy, LGBTQ+ rights, and more. At Duke, Maya is the Recruitment Chair for Duke Mock Trial, a researcher at Duke’s Climate Migration Lab, and a research fellow on a Bass Connections team researching climate justice in NC. In her free time, Maya loves to play tennis and go to the beach!

Alexia Jackson (she/her/hers)

Alexia Jackson is completing a BA in Public Policy and Political Science with a Markets and Management Studies certificate at Duke University. She serves as President of the American Futures Institute, a student-led consulting group that serves local policymakers and non-profits in North Carolina. She supports board management, talent development, and client engagements in this role. This past summer, she worked as a Business Analyst in McKinsey & Co’s Washington, DC Office, focusing on public sector technology and innovation strategy. Prior to this, Alexia served on multiple political campaigns in Virginia and North Carolina as a Field Organizer and Finance Assistant. In her free time, she takes care of her houseplants, explores new restaurants, and cheers on Duke Basketball.

Anika Mandavilli (she/her/hers)

Anika Mandavilli is a sophomore at Duke University from Hockessin, Delaware. Anika is very interested in different aspects of healthcare, whether it’s related to policy, technology, or business. At Duke, she’s majoring in statistical science with a data science concentration and minoring in global health.

Sidharth “Sid” Ravi (he/him/his)

Sidharth “Sid” Ravi is a current sophomore at Duke from Cary, North Carolina. He is completing a BS in Economics with a minor African and African American Studies, and a certificate in Documentary Studies. Having been a Marketing Intern with InterPride this past summer, Sid loves the work done at the organization and is so lucky to continue researching for the organization through the American Future’s Institute. Outside of AFI, Sid is the Tournament Director of the Duke Mock Trial team and participates in research about diversity in the Economics department at Duke and a Bass Connection’s Project researching Trauma Informed Practices in North Carolina juvenile delinquency courts. In his free time, Sid loves talking about pop culture and going on walks around Durham.

Mac Hester (he/him/his)

Mac Hester is a junior at Duke University from Charleston, South Carolina. He is studying Public Policy and Chinese and is interested in careers in consulting and international relations. At Duke, Mac is the Vice President of Large Events for Duke University Union as well as an associate for the Duke Consulting Club. In AFI, Mac is currently serving as the Director of Research and was a co-lead on the InterPride Project. Some fun facts about Mac is he has been studying Mandarin Chinese for over ten years, and he recently began studying Korean and Spanish as well. Outside of school, Mac enjoys exploring music, watching reality tv, and being active.

Tune in on YouTube Sunday, 23 April 2023 @ 9:00 AM PT to learn more about the research report!


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Advancing The Global Pride Movement

