Our communities are in dire straights during this troubling time.

Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2022


The June 24, 2022, decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (U.S.) to overturn abortion rights (Roe v Wade, 1973), a constitutional decision made almost 50 years ago, removes the liberty of pregnant individuals to make personal and private decisions. It is an invasion of privacy of the highest degree and attempts to move people seeking an abortion back to second-class citizen status.

Even more damning is that it heralds a dangerous and frightening turn that can upend other fundamental rights such as same-sex marriages (Obergfell v. Hodges, 2015), privacy rights in the bedroom (Lawrence v. Texas, 2003), and even jurisdiction over access to contraception choices (Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965). Local, state, and federal governments do not need to monitor what goes on between people and who they love or desire, nor control their bodies or behavior.

With this swift court decision, decades of progress towards equality and human dignity were terminated. Civil and human rights struggles and previous wins were lost because personal ideology prevailed over individual privacy rights. The Supreme Court decided against respecting judicial stare decisis and is in favor of bringing us back to policies reflective of the 1800s.

InterPride stands in solidarity with all of our community, especially people of color, trans and non-binary individuals, and women, who will experience a lack of access to safe and affordable medical care. Because of this regression, people will be forced to seek back-alley abortion services, increasing their chances of death. In addition, in cases of unwanted pregnancy caused by incest or rape, people in some states will not have a choice other than to carry through with the pregnancy, leading to further complications, including social and economic challenges.

The ripple effect can already be seen as 26 U.S. states — more than half the country — are readying actions for their Governors to sign what would completely ban abortion. Other countries are experiencing a regressive conservative turn in their governments. Others living in oppressed nations could find similar laws overturned or new laws that mirror this enacted. The (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 2022) ruling will not be limited to within the borders of the U.S. This will not just affect LGBTQIA+ people; this could extend to interracial relationships, impact people of color and immigrants, endanger the lives of the fiscally disadvantaged, and disadvantage children.

What can the global LGBTQIA+ community and our allies do now?

No matter where you are, ensure your friends, family, and others are registered to vote and consider if your vote is for someone willing to uphold our hard-fought victories. Then, call your elected leaders and make your voice heard. Finally, go out and demonstrate against regressive policies! If you want to step up and be a community or elected leader, do it; it’s time for as many people worldwide as possible to take the plunge and protect our rights.

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