The Capital Pride Alliance in Washington D.C., U.S.A. to host WorldPride in 2025, and Pride Amsterdam in the Netherlands to host WorldPride in 2026.

3 min readNov 7, 2022


InterPride, the global organization that brings together Pride organizers across the world, just held its Annual General Meeting & World Conference, October 27 to 30, in Guadalajara, Mexico.

The membership met for the first time in person since the pandemic to attend workshops, caucuses, and InterPride business. This included awarding the license for WorldPride, a global event organized by a member of InterPride.


The conference in Guadalajara featured a detailed update about WorldPride in 2025, which was awarded last year to Kaohsiung Pride, and who withdrew their bid last August 12.

The membership was asked to decide whether the event should not take place in 2025, or if it should be awarded to the first runner-up, The Capital Pride Alliance (CPA) from Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Seventy-four percent (74%) of the membership voted to award WorldPride 2025 to CPA, while 19% voted not to hold WorldPride in 2025, and 7% abstained.

Ryan Bos, Executive Director of CPA, said:
“The Capital Pride Alliance is thrilled and honored to have been awarded the privilege of hosting WorldPride 2025. We thank InterPride for this wonderful opportunity to share the best of the Washington region with our friends from around the globe and to have them participate with us on the 50th Anniversary of Pride in D.C.”

InterPride Co-Presidents Linda J. DeMarco and Hadi Damien commented:
“We appreciate the open discussion we had with the membership, who inquired about the evolution of WorldPride 2025, and we answered their questions with transparency. We are glad the Capital Pride Alliance was still willing to host WorldPride 2025, and we welcome the vote of confidence the membership put in them. We all trust the Capital Pride Alliance has what it takes to deliver a robust WorldPride. Meanwhile, we will be reaching out to our membership in Taiwan to open a new page as we welcome them to bid for future WorldPride editions.”


Two member organizations were bidding to host WorldPride in 2026. They were Pride Amsterdam (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Come Out With Pride(Orlando, Florida, USA).

The membership awarded WorldPride 2026 to Pride Amsterdam with 59% of the votes. Come Out With Pride came second with 37% of the votes. Four percent (4%) of the membership abstained.

Lucien Spee de Castillo Ruiz, Executive Director of Pride Amsterdam, said:
“I am very happy that with our presentation we were able to convince a vast majority of the membership to vote for us. We are extremely grateful for their trust and promise to make WorldPride 2026 a special edition. One that will be dedicated to 25 years of marriage equality, but will also commemorate the victims of the Pulse Tragedy as well as those of gay- and transphobia anywhere in the world.”

InterPride Co-Presidents Linda J. DeMarco and Hadi Damien commented:
“We congratulate Pride Amsterdam for winning the license to host WorldPride in 2026. We look forward to supporting them to deliver their bid, which promises to be a strong and impactful WorldPride. We also congratulate Come Out With Pride for an excellent application, and we welcome the decision of Pride Amsterdam to commemorate the 10 years of the Pulse Tragedy during WorldPride 2026.”

Past WorldPride editions have taken place in Rome (2000), Jerusalem (2006), London (2012), Toronto (2014), Madrid (2017), NYC (2019), and Copenhagen (2021).

WorldPride next takes place from 17 February to 5 March 2023, in Sydney, Australia. Click here to learn more about Sydney WorldPride 2023.

