Almost There! by Kylie Holland

Theresa Bradtmiller
Interprofessional Education
2 min readNov 13, 2017

Blog 8


The team has attacked this past week with renewed vigor after receiving our presentation feedback. After discussing the changes we needed to make, we decided to divide and conquer. Theresa and I reformatted our presentation slides prior to our weekly group meeting, while Venkat and Mary worked on our activity booklet. At our weekly Zoom meeting, we discussed the changes we still needed to address. Although there are still many changes to be made, the end is nearing and I know we will be ready.


Our group has been doing such a wonderful job working together. Although we have been splitting up the work, we have shared all of our work with one another to make sure we are all on the same page. This group has been so easy to work with because we all feel comfortable voicing our opinions/thoughts in efforts to make our intervention the best it can possibly be. As the final presentation is nearing, my excitement continues to grow!

Assimilate Learning:

I have been so pleasantly surprised by how well this group works together. Considering the four of us had never worked together as a team before, I was worried that we might have a few obstacles to overcome. However, we all seemed to click really well together from the very beginning. This experience has been so beneficial for me, personally because it has given me a glimpse into how professional groups are supposed to work together. I am really glad I have gotten to work with my amazing team members on this project.

