Coming Together


Gina Webb
Interprofessional Education
2 min readNov 4, 2017


This week was an especially awesome one! We are finally visulizing the fruits of our labor on the project truly coming together. The intensive experience was very helpful to our team. We were able to collaborate, discuss, and adjust our plans in real time. Our meeting room was nice and big with a nice screen for viewing. The only one issues was that the internet did not work well in our room on every computer for some reason. Other than that, we had a great place to brainstorm, work, and practice. This is my second IE. The accomodations this time around made it easy to think freely without being stressed about space and time.


Once we decided on the flow of our presentation, we had the chance to practice with the judges. Surprisingly, I did not feel the nerves I expected myself to feel. Possibly because I have done this before… However, I felt we did an awesome job for a dry run of presenting. Our team works well together, it shows. My team members also did an amazing job of speaking on their slides. I believe our main premise was displayed. We learned that we do indeed need some more work!

Articulate Learning

The live feedback we recived from our presentation was invaluable. The judges were very honest and their questions were thought provoking. Kylie, the master note taker, wrote down all the points of concern and areas to improve upon. We will be able to use this feedback to grow our project. I appreciated the feedback from the judges. It was encourging and positive. We easily saw the weak areas and now have a game plan on how to correct them. We had a nice debriefing session of our own at the Starbucks located inside the building. This was a great time to initial our changes. More to come!

