Why Should Everyone Love The Way You’ve Been Told You Should Love?

Lakshmi Prakash
Intersectional Feminism
4 min readDec 28, 2022

As individuals, we ourselves are all pretty complicated, add relationships and social norms to it, and it starts feeling like the most complicated project to ever be handled. Ha ha! I keep coming across homophobia and transphobia here and there, and misogyny, for years has been sold as “caring for and being concerned about the well-being of women”. BS! While all these are offensive, what’s more offensive is knowing how even rational minds often seem to oblige to old-school, regressive, and harmful practices.

Marriage is a compulsion in the society we live in, having children is a compulsion, so what these people flaunt often appears to me as like some “health drink” manufactured in a factory, a drink that’s not necessary at all in the first place if you’d only eat enough veggies, get good sleep, and exercise enough. You call it “love”? Okay, it’s your life, and it’s your choice, and I understand you looking at me like I’m a lunatic when I am the happiest in our crowd, without checking most of the boxes your parents told you you should check for a happy life, to be “blessed by God”! But no amount of preaching and “caring” is going to change folks like me because we consciously refuse to let others dictate what’s good for us and what’s not. It’s not “wisdom”; it’s merely exercising one’s freedom.

Have you heard that there are different types of love? Guess what? It’s perfectly okay and normal if you can’t relate to all these or some of these or none of these. Others need not be like are you because they are not you.

Be you!

As long as you are not hurting or compelling or manipulating a fellow being, as long as you are not surrendering yourself to anything you’d not want for your best friend (domestic violence, rape, marital rape, and abuse in any form), how you define love is all up to you.

There is no “right” and “wrong” when it comes to relationships because all these are standards defined by people, and often these classic definitions are made keeping men’s comforts in mind, which is why “sluts” and “whores” and “hoes” are commonly used words, and there’s no equivalent for a man who has sex with several different women. Please don’t be one of those women yourself, to give away your own freedom, and to blame to shame women who don’t. Don’t try to understand homosexuality or bisexuality coming from a place of religious texts that call being normal “sinning”.

Live if you can, if you dare to, but at least let live if you don’t want to live your own life to the fullest.

Happen to me! ❤️😊

Happen to me,
like solace after suffocation,
like philosophy after retirement,
like the last inch of Cornetto double chocolate,
like the morning tea after the annoying alarm bell,
like sound sleep after mindless scrolling,
like Thamizh in a world full of noise.

Happen to me,
like words beautify paper,
like music powering emotions,
like potato chips that make life bearable,
like cotton candy that attracts children,
like sun rise that gives hope,
like moonlight that makes me sexy.

Happen to me,
like the first pay cheque to a poor man,
like second life after a surgery,
like contemplation in a confused mind,
like the ring chosen for proposal,
like success to a gambler,
like an accidental discovery after decades of research.

Of course, I’m kidding!
I’m too gifted to want anything, let alone need something,
so come if you will,
and I can feel you but not please you,
I can listen to you but not rid you of your insecurity,
the way I love is not what you call love,
I was born with wings,
and you’ve lived within a cage,
so come if you will, but I cannot.

“Heterosexual”, “homosexual”, “romantic asexual”, “married”, “engaged”, “happily single”, “pansexual”, “conservative”, “liberal”, “rebel”, at the end of the day are all labels. Is it labels that you want to take to your grave, or would it be a life well lived?

While the fight for equality shall and will continue, you don’t have to adhere to labels you are not comfortable with if you don’t want to. It is okay if others don’t understand you and remind yourself, you don’t need someone’s approval. Breaking norms will always offend sentiments, and those complain are people who can never comprehend or experience freedom for themselves.

“There is only one you. And there will never be another one. That’s your power.” — Mel Robbins



Lakshmi Prakash
Intersectional Feminism

A conversation designer and writer interested in technology, mental health, gender equality, behavioral sciences, and more.