“Am I Queen? On Beauty Privilege and Its Discontents”

Jess Brooks
Intersectional and Crossectional
1 min readDec 10, 2016

“If there is something I love it is being alone in public space. That feeling of being absolutely with myself surrounded by people has a magic energy to it that I enjoy thoroughly. There’s a comfortable harmony in having the peace of my inner thoughts balanced with the life of those around me.

Being pulled from this intimate space and thrust into an outer one, especially in a sexual manner (“Hey baby!”) is deeply uncomfortable for me. Before, I could barely even say the phrase “I’m beautiful” without adding a thousand caveats and looking around guiltily like I’d just praised my own cooking. And that external gaze is unreliable for affirmation.”



Jess Brooks
Intersectional and Crossectional

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.