“What Explaining My Natural Hair To PhDs Taught Me About The Art Of Persuasion”

Jess Brooks
Intersectional and Crossectional
1 min readOct 12, 2017

“When I submit a proposal or choose a theoretical framework for my dissertation, I can’t afford for others to not understand this aspect of Black women’s experiences. My funding and career trajectory depend on it.

After many rounds of fellowship applications, awkward small talk at parties, and helpful exchanges with other feminist writers of color, I’ve developed some strategies to help bridge the divide that a patriarchal, capitalist, and racialized world sometimes creates.

Here are five ways to get people to begin to understand and take interest in your work, even when the subject isn’t something others necessarily have much vested interest in.”

I really like the structure she lays out, it also makes sense for the “broader impacts” section on scientific research grant applications…



Jess Brooks
Intersectional and Crossectional

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.