New features launched in February

Jonathan Grana
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2017

It’s been almost two months since we launched Interseller. Since then we’ve been grinding away on new features to continue to make teams even more productive. We want to share with you some of the great features we’ve released in the past month that you may have missed. Highlights include multi-select, inbox automation, and Outlook support.

Multi-Select in Search Results

After numerous requests, we’ve added in multi-select into the search results page. This is a fantastic feature that allows you to find dozens of contact emails, add them to your email sequence and then send all that data over to your CRM with just a few clicks. If you’ve perfected your search you can also use the select all button to find many contacts at once. Prospecting contacts at rocket speed!

Multi-select in search results (also available in Navigator)

Automated Inbox Handling

The true explorers may have already noticed this gem hiding in settings. Gone are the days past of sorting out your replies to try to get a hold of your inbox. By simply flipping the switches below you can automatically route auto replies, bounces and not interested emails to your archive. Don’t worry we’re very conservative when routing those not interested emails in order to never send a potential lead the wrong way.

Automatic Inbox Settings

Signup and send with Outlook

Outlook support has always been a huge barrier to people jumping onboard to Interseller. We’re happy to announce that you can now signup and send your email campaigns using your Outlook account.

Other Great Features

Some honorable mentions include custom fields for mail merge, improved email validation, and holiday schedule exclusion. We’re continuing to work on some pretty amazing features. Stayed tuned for even bigger news in the next couple of months that will drastically improve your outreach effort.

