The future of the inbox

Steven Lu
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2017

At Interseller, we’re all about helping guys and gals like us save time with prospecting whether it be finding contact information or sending emails to contacts. Today, we’re announcing a new phase to helping our customers out: inbox automation.

The Pain Points

If you’ve ever been in any cold emailing situation, you’re probably way to used the vacation responder like this.

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office until March 20th with limited access to email.

Or nasty individuals that really put you out of the mood like these.

I don’t have the time to tell you how what you’re doing is intrusive and ineffective, but it is.

Please take me off of your list.

Or people who give you very little room to convince them.

No thanks.

Now all of these situations take a bunch of time to handle manually since this is probably the bulk of your replies and requires you to process it through your head. However, all cases that require none of your attention and do not deserve a reply.

Automating the Inbox

We’re building some unique inbox automation techniques to help reduce the time spent sifting through your inbox. We built our own AI that helps categorize situations and process them accordingly. In fact, it’s so good that we’re right almost all the time while favoring the conservative side so that you don’t miss out on a true lead. Here are some things that we can do.


Unfortunately we all get a little bit of bounces despite how well we keep our lists sanitized. Interseller will automatically now archive these from your inbox.

The Vacation Responder

In this case, it’s bad to continue sending emails through your email campaigns cause it looks like you spent no time actually figuring out the situation. It also doesn’t require any real-estate in your inbox either. In this case, we’ll figure out when to pause messages until and automatically archive these responses from your inbox.

The “Not Interested” Case

Generally its tough to convince someone about what you’re offering when they give you absolutely no wiggle room. In this case, you generally would just read and archive it. But why spend that time when you don’t need to? Interseller can now interpret messages like these and archive these from your inbox. Don’t worry, we make sure that there’s absolutely no room for reply and still keep not interested replies like: timeline, budget or competitors.

How to turn it on

We hope you’re just as excited as we are about how much time automation can really save. We’ve been using this already internally and have seen tons of rewards from it already such as time saved and increased reply rates. Visit the Settings → Inbox page in Interseller to turn those features on. Oh and we got a ton more in store for inbox automation, so keep your eyes and ears open for new things to come!

The Settings → Inbox screen within Interseller



Steven Lu

Software Engineer & Co-Founder of Interseller, I also have a thing for fitness and diets